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Co-Birth an Evolutionary Book

‘Water Lillies’ is an epic project. This ‘book’ – and the process of creating it – is an alchemical, energetic activation of the awakening of mass human consciousness. Via the trust and innocence of its lead character, Ella, readers are positively entranced into mirroring her ultimate transparency. In demonstrating her own, pure inner power, she reminds readers of their own, essential benevolence. The ‘invitation’ within ‘Water Lillies’ is ‘A Call to Global Cooperation’ – greater in scope than post World Wars I and II – a call to transcending duality and stepping fully into the co-creation of unity – the co-visioning and bringing into manifest experience of ‘heaven on Earth – peace on Earth’ in all its essential aspects.

‘Water Lillies’ is much more than a book. It is a call to liberation – a call to humanity’s freedom. Through its pages, readers are led eloquently in the healing of their own wounding, the acceptance of their own spirituality, the alignment of their own fragility with a truth beyond current cultural norms. In its depth, the ‘root of the rot of human civilization’ is revealed – safely, gently, surely – and the key is returned. In its core, a new frontier is unveiled – the real-time choice to transcend all suffering – individual and collective.

This is a ‘book’ that awakens, empowers, enthralls, invigorates, and ignites – passions, possibilities, dreams, and wonder . . .

Welcome into ‘Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking UP’ . . . Our time is now . . .

Watch Water Lillies and A Call to Global Cooperation Brief Video Invitation

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* Ideal Outcomes – ‘Scope’ *

Here are some of the essential elements in the evolving clarity of how ‘Water Lillies’ is coming into being 🙂

With deep humility – you are invited to please ‘bear witness’ – in whatever way(s) naturally arise for you . . .

Water Lillies – the book

  • Will announce ‘A Call for Global Cooperation’ – a magnetic pull to all those who are poised to step out of duality (fighting against) into unity (co-creating towards) – birthing collectively the ‘peace on Earth, joy to all humankind’ that all peoples of all nations in all civilizations have carried as an eternal seed in our Souls
  • Intends to demonstrate that ‘it is safe to come out now’ – that (very recently) the intergalactic energy which sets the templates of reality on planet Earth has shifted – such that it is safe to fully embody our Light
  • Will reveal deep truths of what has been taking place on (and beyond) this planet – contributing substantially to liberating Earth and its people from the energetic ‘lock’ that was previously placed upon it

It . . .

  • Will be written as ‘3rd person historical fiction’ – to enable a large audience digestible access to a wide and deep story of planetary awakening . . . Thus it will be perceivable through familiar ‘filters’ such as Harry Potter, Mutant Messages Down Under, The DaVinci Code, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, The Men Who Stare At Goats, Field of Dreams and others – that is, magical, mysterious, compelling, while the question of ‘is this real?’ is suspended in curiosity and intrigue
  • Will interconnect an intricate scope of facets – global crises, interstellar communication, telepathy, healing the relationship of humanity with Divinity, and more
  • Intends to be a successful ‘Sistine Chapel fresco’ – Michelangelo’s ‘finger of Divinity (as perceived by many names) touches a finger of humanity’ – that is, an energetic, alchemical activation of the incoming of Divinity into the active experience of humanity – ‘heaven comes to Earth’
  • Intends to engender the trust of humanity in Divinity – via the transparency of the lead character – which is her active demonstration of her trust in ‘the unseen’
  • Intends to be a catalyst ‘within humanity’ of a) humanity’s large scale healing – individually and collectively, b) humanity’s ‘normalization of spiritual experience’, and c) the bringing in of lucid, clear, simple, interconnecting clarity amidst the current tides of crises and confusion
  • Intends to demonstrate ego’s rapid expansion ‘beyond what it knows’ into its willing surrender into ‘all that Soul knows’

This ‘project’ is possible because of a large team – including you in the ways that you are willing – of ‘grounders and guy wires’ : – )

Thank you so much for ‘bearing witness as it is birthed’!

* Direct Call to Action *

Please share in the tangible expenses of creating ‘Water Lillies’ . . .

Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

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