
Following on the manifestos ‘The Ship of Hope’ post UN Earth Summit 1992 – and ‘A New Model of Exemplary Global Leadership’ 1995 – plus in-depth “my life is my laboratory”[1] research involving multiple teams of people globally – comes this . . .

The Invitation

This is a call to all among us (humanity) who are attuned to the urgency of shifting up our species. It is a call to step out of the perpetuation of suffering – duality – via our conditioned, habituated behavior of ‘fighting against’ that which we do not want[2]. It is a call to step over a simple threshold – thus re-wiring our psyches (our ‘new’ habituated behavior) – literally co-operating as we co-create in all of our diversities a unified vision of what we actually do want.

To this quantum leap, the real-time scribing of Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking Up is being actively contributed – as a ‘catalyst’. Told via the ‘story’ of a young woman’s awakening to her full potential and to the magnificent scope of the cosmos and the evolution of this planet – it is meant to expand open our conditioned perceptions – thus easing our shift into whole brain conceptions.

Welcome to this ‘invitation’! “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”[3]

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Recent Progress – Setting the Stage for Current Setting and Current Vision (see below) *Consider reading this section ‘later’ to fill in your contextual questions *

Just prior to Easter 2014, Ella received the ‘download / request’ that she ‘bring into manifest form the next manuscript’[4]. . . An unprecedented 6 months of preparation – invisible and obvious – ensued . . .

On Autumn Equinox 2014 she entered the ‘scribing’ of It Is Time Now – published online daily in real-time . . . Initiated in ‘scribing’ since she was a teen, this is an experience of lucid, pure reception from consciousness / intelligence / vantage multi-dimensions ‘out’ reflecting to us ‘incarnate’ the state of the planet and the flow of its transfiguration . . .

The eve of commencing, Ella was ‘knocked out of alignment’ and restored, able to begin scribing in concurrence with the UN meeting taking place that day 🙂

Only now – after a rapid phase of recovery from the enormity of what ensued – she and her immediate colleagues are able to comprehend and articulate the scope of what was accomplished, and where we are now . . .

Essentially, vibrational ‘war’ was declared the eve of scribing – and those who scribe through Ella (higher levels of incarnate consciousness plus non-physical consciousness) responded as all bodhisattvas[5] do – head on, via satyagraha[6] – absolute non-violence . . .

Approximately 2 weeks in to the scribing, the ‘guides’ disclosed to Ella – for ‘the flood’ was exceptionally swift and relentless – that we had been, since day one, communicating directly to the ‘former illuminati’ . . . Everything ‘she’ had written was a customized ‘call and response’ assisting the highest echelons of their leaders in awakening from their longstanding ‘amnesia’ into a Soulful remembering of the mission of the Light . . .

Within 2 weeks ‘all hell broke loose’ . . . Major shamanic activations were fully underway – including to keep her alive . . .

This has been successful – though with an unparalleled fatigue which is rapidly, quantumly repairing – in her plus in core team colleagues who stayed the storm . . .

Telepath rapidly became the required mode of communication for her and multiple ‘guides’ and key colleagues – that is, contact ‘vibrationally above’ that which could otherwise have been intercepted and / or distorted . . .

Essentially, the highest stratum of the ‘former illuminati’ came – in waves of swift succession – to comprehend the Light leadership and to ‘flip – out of duality and into cooperation and co-creation’ . . .

What we have jointly achieved is enormous . . . There are many, many ‘heros’ in this story . . .

And it is still ‘invisible’ to the naked eye – due in full to key decisions made throughout this process – decisions to ensure the ‘trickle down’ (as quickly as possible) without engendering fear . . .

Ella has been consciously aware of this colossal design challenge since the early nineties . . . What has been the ‘mystery’ is solely how this will play . . . ‘We don’t know precisely how a play will play until it is in play’ . . .

Much more can be said 🙂

As she recovers from multiple ‘fatwah’[7] attempts to knock her off the planet – solely out of former non-understanding and thus fear on the part of the former illuminati – Ella stands in a unique position . . . She now has – akin to Terrence Mann in ‘Field of Dreams’ – direct, deep, and fresh subjective experience of 4 states of being / reality / consciousness pivotal to the survival and / or thrival of humanity

  • Telepath – with physical and non-physical beings
  • Downloads – of volumes of information that typically would take thousands of years to receive – in four short months
  • Ritual abuse – the root of all rot on planet Earth
  • Psychic warfare – as in ‘The Men Who Stare At Goats’[8]

As she regains strength, ‘Spirit’ asks her willingness to proceed – in the tao of satyagraha – to quietly yet powerfully assist humanity to rapidly awaken – into a wave of cooperation, co-creation and trust unprecedented on planet Earth . . .

For the highest levels of former illuminati are no longer ‘adversary’ . . . Just as the darkest designs were being concocted in back rooms of secret societies for centuries, the former illuminati – for the recent 4 months[9] – have been openly (in this context) admitting that ‘they don’t know how to solve the problems they’ve created’[10] . . . Hence, their humble desire demonstrated amply over the recent 4 months to ‘understand and trust the Light’ . . .

Yes, this is a lot for many to digest . . . And yes, this is real . . .

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Current Setting

The terms sexual abuse, domestic violence, and alcoholism – as examples – are now common in our cultural lexicon – they are easily recognized and quite easily identified, and modalities to ameliorate the effects of them are continuously being developed . . .

In preparation for scribing It Is Time Now, Ella mentioned ritual abuse to a handful of intelligent, heart-centered people . . . She was met with puzzled brows and “what is that?” deep curiosities . . .

Until something is brought into consciousness, it cannot be named, yet alone recognized or identified, let alone responded to constructively . . . Such is the case with ritual abuse – and all rot on the planet stems from it . . .

Ritual abuse is the intentional, psychopathic design of destruction concocted in the back rooms of (former) secret societies, with the lone intention[11] of causing pain and destruction for the benefit of a few . . . It has been honed to a ‘t’ over the centuries . . .

When Ella began scribing It Is Time Now, she had a scant (relatively speaking) insider’s knowledge and ability to recognize it . . . As of the recent 4 months, she is in a rare position of a) having in-depth subjective experience and recognition of it b) having survived it alive and c) being in a position of willingness – despite evidently having been sufficiently threatening to some people for them to have wanted her dead by any means – to now write ‘a book’ on it . . .

For there is little known publicly about ritual abuse – for the singular reason that virtually no one survives it once it escalates – and most everyone subject to it is terrified to think of or speak about it, as their memories have either been deeply blocked from it and / or they are sufficiently terrified to go near it to choose to remember it and / or to recognize it . . . Also, in Ella’s experience and observation, a death threat of some sort always accompanies it – e.g. “You will self destruct before you remember” and “If you ever speak about this, we will kill you” . . . It has in almost all cases been masterfully enacted – ‘without a paper trail’ . . .

The most severe and rudimentary distortions of human and planetary culture stem from it – far beyond the sacrifice of ‘individuals’[12] . . .

In scribing It Is Time Now, Ella (with much assistance) opened up a can of worms – ultimately successfully . . .

Add to ritual abuse psychic warfare – another ‘topic’ faintly recognized and little understood in our present culture[13] – and we have the core of planetary liberation . . . For “clarity leads to power”[14] – and in ‘naming the dragon(s)’ we now have the capacity and the pure power requisite for ‘taming the dragon(s)’ . . .

Nuclear warfare has become commonly discussed in recent decades . . . Chemical warfare has been named – yet it is little understood as what it actually is by most . . . Psychic warfare is the ‘newcomer’, still kept discreetly hidden from view – until now . . .

And as of the ‘flip’ of the recent 4 months, humanity is ready to ‘grow up’ and to collectively, peacefully, constructively set ourselves free, cleaning this patient planet and all things with it as we do . . .


Current Vision

The current human paradigm is lob-sided to ‘fight against’ what we don’t want – which perpetuates duality, the ‘this or that’ trap of incessant suffering . . .

Post UN Earth Summit, Ella met with one of the Founders of the Vancouver Peace March . . . She said “We are fighting against what we don’t want . . . You are doing the greater challenge of mapping and modeling what we do want” . . .

With the ‘silent’ liberation accomplished in the recent 4 months, it is time – for there is little time ecologically and inter-personally for the survival of our species – to climb out of the shell of the invisible ‘parents’ of planetary suffering . . .

The rapid re-training of the human psyche required for this is sleek and primal – ‘towards, naught against’ might be our motto . . .

This is ‘A Call to Global Cooperation’ grander than post World Wars I or II . . . For we are poised now to end all war – on women, Gaia, cultures, religions, gender preferences, species, you name it . . .

This is no less than a rapid, constructive evolution of how we exist as a species . . .

The scribing of It Is Time Now was ‘a toothpick in the cake test’ to determine if it is safe now to come ‘out’ – to visibly be the Light without persecution . . . “This time the ending’s different” . . .

With great support Ella has been guided through the gauntlet safely to ‘tell the story’ . . . And even more vitally, we are now called and invited to thoroughly and gracefully and swiftly transform our civilization – without engendering fear J

Much of this map has been revealed during the course of this 4 months – and more will be as we launch ourselves – collectively, cooperatively, and co-creatively – underway on the most inclusive appeal / mission that humanity has ever lived – its complete liberation from duality / suffering / ‘survival’ into co-creative thrival aligned with Source / Divinity . . .

This ‘Call’ is inclusive of all religions, cultures, ideologies, ages, genders, ‘wedges of pi(e) that create this whole’ . . . It is non-sectarian in every facet . . . It is ‘A New Model of Exemplary Global Leadership’ . . . Everyone is a leader – together – in the most stunning success ever born of our species . . .

Welcome to 2015!

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Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking Up

The ‘instrument’ that spoke directly to the former illuminati, aiding their highest echelons of leadership to understand the mission of the Light and thus ‘flip’ / transmigrate to cooperation with it (unity metamorphosed out of duality) is now password protected, as its role is successfully complete . . . It was scribed specifically for the former illuminati . . .

Its ‘twin’ – ‘Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking Up’ – is about to be scribed – the version ‘for the masses’ that will aid in the ‘climbing out of the shell’ liberation of our species from slavery in all its fundamental forms . . .

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A Call to Global Cooperation – And You

This manifesto will likely stir in you insights, questions, and – ideally – empowerment for clear, integrative, cooperative, inspired action . . .

Various elements of support are actively needed in the next, immediate phase of scribing ‘Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking Up’ – as a foundation and an anchor for multiple potentialities emanating out of its reception / transmission / completion . . .

If you are inspired by this manifesto – and you feel a stirring / calling to be of assistance and / or active participation – please Contact Us via the form on this web site – Subject: Contributing to ‘A Call to Global Cooperation’ . . .

With tremendous gratitude from all of us . . .

Thank You For Being!

With love 🙂

* This manifesto may remain perpetually in ‘draft’ form, being revised as its clarity deepens – as it is organically, co-creatively coming alive – that is, it is fluidly evolving rather than being ‘static’ . . .

© 2015 www.waterlillies-thebook.com

[1] Quote from Mahatma Gandhi . . .

[2] Or are frightened by, or are unfamiliar with, or do not understand . . .

[3] Excerpt from a Hopi Elders’ Prophecy . . .

[4] Ella has written and / or scribed multiple manuscripts in recent decades . . . Scribing is a process of stepping down consciousness from realms beyond humanity’s typical scope of lucid awareness – ‘translating’ it into a language comprehensible by humanity . . .

[5] A Buddhist term for ascended masters who choose to reincarnate to assist in the liberation of all incarnate consciousness – rather than remain ‘hohm / om / home’ as enlightened ones . . .

[6] An expression created by Gandhi . . . satya – truthfulness, graha – non-violence . . .

[7] When Ella began scribing in autumn 1990 the visions she has been receiving since childhood, Salman Rushdie had just been issued a fatwah – a death threat – for his publication of Satanic Verses . . . A ‘fatwah’ is the reaction of some to what is perceived by them as threatening – in an attempt to extinguish its source . . .

[8] Much more shall be shared of this essential topic in the scribing of ‘Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking Up’ . . . Psychic warfare is essentially the coding of vibrational frequencies into thought forms, emotional states, and physical matter with the sole intent of causing harm via usurping and / or distorting power / energy flow . . .

[9] Autumn Equinox to Winter Solstice 2014 – including pre- and post-phases . . .

[10] As Einstein pointed out, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” . . . A higher, more integrative vantage is required – always – from which to gain insight and innovative clarity . . .

[11] Ritual abuse originates from worship / sacrifice to the gods . . . It was usurped, grossly distorted, and perfected to serve the abuse of power of a ‘few’ – resulting in the effecting of fear as being ‘the god’ . . . Its ‘lure’ (to those who have practiced it) has been the aim of having ‘power over’ and / or a grotesque sense of being rewarded for their actions in tandem with a belief of being ‘above the law’ . . . Akin to rising the ranks in a gang, secret societies have groomed members via egoic enticements of power and false glory – lures that pose as fulfillment of ‘self’ and / or as amelioration of deeply rutted childhood trauma – typically well beyond the conscious awareness of its practitioners . . .

[12] What is openly known of ritual abuse is individuals being sacrificed in ritual contexts . . . What has been escalating exponentially, far more pervasively, and – until recently, largely hidden ‘out of view’ – have been the designs of institutionalized sacrifice rooted in intentionally destructive ritual contexts with an intent of controlling all energy ‘resources’ on the planet . . .

[13] Both ritual abuse and psychic warfare are examples of what has been birthed from the ‘test tube’ – the internal and external gender imbalance – of ‘the masculine creating without the feminine’ . . .

[14] From the essentially distilled ‘Manifestation Codes’ of Nancy Shipley-Rubin – http://www.rubinenterprises.info/ . . .

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