‘Water Lillies’ – the book – real time scribing


‘Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation, the story of a Waking UP’ will be published ‘daily’ as it is scribed . . .

Check this page frequently for its real-time ‘birth’ . . .

The current estimate of its scribing is 2-4 months, beginning February 10, 2015  🙂

Thank you for receiving it – into your heart, mind, cells, and Soul . . .

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Day One – Water Lillies

            Bjorn, Helga, Aleska and Ella walked single file along the simple earthen path between the Monastery and the Main Temple. Bjorn in the lead, he, Helga and Aleska engaged in quiet, light-hearted banter to calm their nervous anticipation, while Ella – slightly back from the others in her own inner world – walked in a trance that allowed her alignment with the Divine just enough energy to move her feet one past the next.

They had arrived in India – this second time – two days prior, allowing them a sufficient ‘bridge’ to acclimatize to the altitude, the time zone difference of nine plus hours, and the potency of what was about to transpire.

Sparsely spaced rhododendron trees, tall as spires with their bright red blossoms, enveloped them in a haven of majesty as they walked this silent forest path.

During the two preceding days, Ella sat in lotus position on the stark bed in her monastery room. Silent and barely moving, she was experiencing for the first time ever what she now calls ‘third eye burn’ – an intensity of energy building up like a tantric burst at the centre of her brow. She could feel the potency percolating like an unstoppable eye of a tornado – as if the vortex in the centre of her forehead was full with horses at a gate, ready and eager to burst forth into a race they had trained their entire life to run as their one and only identity.

She could feel it – the razor’s edge of these very moments . . . It was as if she was walking a tightrope – and there was only one chance – a chance so vital to communicate with another incarnate soul who could understand what she Knew.

* Read the full Day One scribe – Day One – Water Lillies

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Day Two Water Lillies

             We’ve decided to take a few days to share with you the ‘context’ of what we’re writing – the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ – not just the ‘what’ – as the whole idea of this epic writing is to invite you in as inclusively as possible as it is ‘birthed’ ª

What might be most compelling of all is ‘who we are becoming as a result of me penning and you reading ‘Water Lillies’?’

This ‘book’ is meant to inspire you and to ignite us all – in becoming ever more fully the potent, benevolent, albeit somewhat latent Creators we each inherently are . . .

Some of the ‘how’ Ella and I are going about this colossal endeavor – for the scope of this story is enormous – is by writing it ‘from the ground up’. Everything needs to be rooted to be stabilized. A tree without a deep and wide enough grounding network can easily be washed away in a ‘flood’.

And so we intend to “start at the very beginning, [as] it’s a very good place to start”[1].

We’ll guide you via key elements of Ella’s remarkable life story to discover the inner power in your own. She will – in many ways – demonstrate the essential principles that are so tender at the heart of this precious story.

[1] Julie Andrews, in ‘The Sound of Music’ . . .

* Read the full Day Two scribe – Day Two – Water Lillies

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Day Three Water Lillies

             It’s amazing what a good rest can do – and I don’t just mean ‘sleep’ – I mean time to step back and gain perspective, and to digest. For we need to digest our life experiences – our inner impressions as well as our outer interactions – not just the food and drink we eat. And without vantage . . . how can we have clarity?

So you might get the sense that I feel refreshed this morning! Refreshed . . . and inspired 🙂

I am so thrilled that Ella has entrusted me to tell this tale. The more I step into its ‘storyteller role’, the more magical it becomes for me . . . How is this possible?!? It’s as if it’s taking on a whole new spectrum of life – as I tell it!

What a privileged position I am in. I feel humbly honored . . .

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So today we’re going to ‘complete’ the context sketching the ‘container’ in which this massive story will unfold.

Let’s begin by outlining the ‘arc’ that Ella and I have discussed, as a ‘template’ – an energetic blueprint, like a skeletal structure – around which the details of this story will form . . .

‘Water Lillies’ – just like the stages of inception, gestation, and birth – will follow an arc of ‘horizontal . . . inclined . . . vertical’ . . .

* Read the full Day Three scribe – Day Three – Water Lillies

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Day Four Water Lillies

             Ella saw the first vision when she was nine[1].

It’s not that she’d never heard of visions before. She grew up amongst plenty of French speaking Catholics in Montréal. And so she heard ‘via the grapevine’ – from a very young age – that there were people who ‘saw visions’ and ‘heard voices’ – people like Saint Francis of Assisi and Moses.

As a child, these were just ‘stories’ to Ella – stories of distant people from far away lands.

And so she never told anyone of her first vision – not because she was afraid to, or because she doubted it was ‘real’. Just because no one around her ever said that they saw visions.

Ella always felt that everyone – at their core – is equal. And so she never, ever perceived herself as ‘different’, or ‘special’ in any way. She saw visions. And if she ever did ponder it – which she didn’t – she might have assumed that everyone else was visited by visions, too. And that they, like her, just ‘kept them quiet, inside themselves’.

[1] In numerology, nine means ‘completion’ . . . In this particular mode of divination – the accessing of wisdom deep within content – the digits in numbers are added together to ascertain their total, which is always a number between one and nine . . . Ten equals ‘one’ (one plus zero) – the beginning of a new cycle . . . And so the ‘completion’ of what has been shown to Ella in visions since she was a young child is inherently encoded in the visions themselves . . .

* Read the full Day Four scribe – Day Four – Water Lillies

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Day Five – Water Lillies

             Ella had a dream this morning . . .

What’s uncanny about this is that Ella rarely dreams.

She’s noticed this since childhood: she lays her head down upon her pillow – and instantly she falls asleep. Often, when she wakes in the morning, her body hasn’t moved at all. It hasn’t budged. She’s been so deep . . .

And what’s really enchanting about this is that, just yesterday, as she and I were feeling in to how best to reveal this story to you from here – we both had a sense that next, I’m to tell you of her recurring dreams.

So the synchronicity that a fresh, very rare dream has come in this morning – is neat!

* Read the full Day Five scribe – Day Five – Water Lillies

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Day Six – Water Lillies

             There was another dream last night. Unbelievable! Like a ‘call and response’ . . .

Sort of a ‘resolution’ of yesterday’s dream . . .

We’ll leave it at this for now . . .

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Then she fell asleep again . . .

And she awoke to yet another dream . . . which ended in her stating, strongly and clearly,

“Thank You. I Love You. You Are Amazing. And, Yes.”

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When she was a child, Ella’s impression of dreams is that they are the subconscious mind’s way of digesting and completing and cleaning up whatever has been unresolved in the previous day(s).

In later years – when the ‘prophetic’ dreams began – she would be awakened either during or at the end of these dreams – so she would know what was happening.

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Fourteen nights ago, she was awakened in the pitch black of night . . .

The message was simple: she was given the energetic, very clear sense – as if she was remote viewing[1]that her recent request to meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama again . . . it was now ‘open’ . . . and it was being actively considered by ‘the committee’ that His Private Secretary had spoken of . . .

[1] The ability to see via ‘third eye’ awareness what is taking place ‘somewhere else’ . . .

* Read the full Day Six scribe – Day Six – Water Lillies

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Day Seven – Water Lillies

             The extreme concerns about her weight began in grade ten.

It wasn’t that she ‘intended’ to become anorexic. No one ever does.

It just ‘happened’ . . .

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Ella wasn’t a competitive child – ever. She languished in her own curiosities – loving to romp in the forest, exploring close up the insects she’d see, peering to locate the birds she’d hear, slowing to a silent stillness in the presence of a deer . . .

She loved being in the forest . . .

She loved school, too 🙂 She had an insatiable appetite for learning – and no subject she was presented with held any less intrigue.

Among her favorite ‘sujets’ was French. It was the ‘poésie’ of how French people described ‘around’ the words the magic and the mystery of what they were desiring to express that captivated her – like words themselves were a bubbling brook.

And Literature – how playwrights, and novelists, and essayists ‘thought’ . . . How they clustered their ideas, finding the most streamlined nuances via which to express their innermost musings and their richly contemplative thoughts.

* Read the full Day Seven scribe – Day Seven – Water Lillies

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Day Eight – Water Lillies

             Sensitivities. We all have them – it’s just that some of us pave them over.

Ella was always a sensitive child. She could feel so much ‘beyond the physical’, that sometimes she wondered, ‘Why?’ . . .

The first time she noticed that she was a little ‘different’ this way, was when other kids placed – in absolute glee – pennies on the railroad track where it crossed the road near the school. They would step back – safe enough to not be blown to smithereens by the intensity of the freight train as it rumbled by. And they would wait.

They would wait – until the train had passed, and the pennies had cooled (some brave boy would always step forward first – as if an initiation, a rite of passage – and test the pennies ‘sizzle’ – with his fingers or, if there was a girl about whom he liked, sometimes, even with his tongue) . . .

And then, giggling and bravado filled (depending upon their gender), they would rollick away, their flattened pennies like prize possessions safely tucked away in pockets.

Ella never joined in this.

Being that, as the train and its incredible weight pressed relentlessly upon the prone pennies . . . she could hear them scream . . .

This was likely the first of a series of experiences that taught Ella – that reminded her – that everything is alive . . . That everything has ‘spirit’ in it . . . That someday, some glorious day – just like Pinocchio’s toys – someday everything . . . everything will come to life . . .

* Read the full Day Eight scribe – Day Eight – Water Lillies

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Day Nine – Water Lillies

             Where I was shy . . . Ella was terrified.

One evening, as we were sitting in our favorite restaurant, Rumi, I was going on about how – backstage and offstage – the tenors would make moves on the sopranos . . . And how I was getting so tired, of feeling like just a piece of flesh . . . When I noticed that Ella’s eyes had suddenly glazed over – as if she was a deer caught in headlights.

I could have made lots of assumptions right then – like how maybe, she’d had sex with a guy, and was too embarrassed to tell me about it. Or . . .

I decided, instead, to ask.

What Ella spilled was not at all what I expected. She was such a ‘high achiever’. I would never have guessed this.

She hadn’t remembered ‘the abuse’, yet.

But what she did know . . . was that something ‘wasn’t right’.

Occasionally, she said – with nothing particular to prompt it – she would get this strange, eerie feeling . . . of something, ‘chalky, white’ . . . at the back of her throat . . .

She had absolutely no clue what this was.

She was this virginal, in the ways of sex.

So when I suggested that we ‘change our venue, and find a more private place to meet’, we began to go for walks.

And that’s when she spilled.

Something loosened up in her, as she was moving her body, that began to let the demons out. I could feel the relief inside her, like a great dam, finally giving way. I walked beside her, mostly silent. I just listened. And I beamed to her love.

I had had no idea – nor had she – the depth and atrocity, of what she had lived through. It was only as she began to crack the surface, that the misery could burst through.

She said that she’d been feeling – for several years now – a deep sadness, “Really deep”. Deep – like waters, barely approachable. Deep, and murky, underneath.

I held her in my heart, as we ambled sometimes for hours. I just let her ramble. I just let her speak.

She called it – after some time of “loosening up, and always feeling better in my presence” . . . she called it ‘thawing out’.

She said it felt like she’d been a huge, solid, hard block of ice inside. So hard, that nothing could penetrate her. And she had often . . . wondered ‘why’?

* Read the full Day Nine scribe – Day Nine – Water Lillies

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Day Ten – Water Lillies

             She began to find her ‘voice’, so to speak, before the memories began to spill.

It was as if – she had to exorcise the demons, out – so that she could let the Light, memories in . . .

She had to remember . . . in order to remember . . .

This is how she grew her courage. This is how she grew her ‘faith’ . . .

She had a faint inkling – a persistent yet gentle inner sense – a subtle ‘knowing’ . . . That most people fear the former . . . And so they never have a chance . . . to get near the latter . . . They fear what they ‘think might lurk inside of them’ . . . And they never venture . . . to find it out . . .

She became a map maker at an early age – a way shower, of ‘how it’s done’. Not because she wanted to, or intended to. Just because . . . this is how it all spilled forth. This was how . . . her script was ‘writ’.

* Read the full Day Ten scribe – Day Ten – Water Lillies

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Day Eleven – Water Lillies

             This is the synchronicity of ‘magic’, awake in Ella’s life 🙂

She notices these things . . . She allows these things . . . She welcomes these things . . .

Yesterday evening, Ella was invited to relax into and be nourished in the presence of a community of yoga teachers-in-training. She graciously accepted.

‘Discerning and trusting the essence – without needing to know the details’ – it turns out this was a lecture presented by a Naturopathic Doctor about the endocrine system.

What magnetically lured Ella’s interest – for the first time ever in her life – are the ways the naturally secreted hormones masterfully direct the intricate stages of a woman’s ovulation, her preparation for conception, gestation of a fetus, breastfeeding of the wee soul, et al . . .

When the N.D. carried on to share this compelling info, Ella was ultra rapt: A woman’s mother’s mother already has in her – and passes through her via the next generation to the next – all of the eggs this young woman will carry in her lifetime. She receives them from her maternal grandmother!

And furthermore . . . once all of her eggs have either dropped via her fallopian tubes during ovulation – or they have naturally died within her – she enters menopause.

Hmmm . . . Ella’s ‘connect-a-dots’ were ticking . . .

A guest in this class, she politely queried, “May I ask a question?”

She was greeted with a welcoming smile.

“I was amenorrheic[1] – and also anorexic – and very, very physically active – which I still am . . . Does this mean that I will likely menstruate into later years than most women do – because there were so many years when I wasn’t ‘dropping eggs’?”

“Yes”, was the reply. “This is likely true.”

Fascinating . . . Very fascinating . . .

[1] The absence of menstrual periods in a woman of reproductive age . . .

* Read the full Day Eleven scribe – Day Eleven – Water Lillies

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Day Twelve – Water Lillies

Nelson . . . Diana . . . Mohan[1]

             Ella had another dream last night . . . She who never dreams!

Why is there such a flurry?

Because . . . we are scribing this . . .

Her only ‘unanswered question – in all of this’ . . . is . . . “On what level of consciousness . . . are the people who are ‘waking up . . . and actively participating’ . . . actually conscious that they are?”

Is it them ‘at this level of awakeness’?

Or is it them ‘slightly higher up’?

On a simple level – it doesn’t matter . . .

We each and every one of us are a ‘shaft – of sacred consciousness’ . . .

I asked Ella to explain this to me – so I can better express it, to you (and me!) . . .

It’s like this:

Our subconscious (that which we are attuned to – on ‘subliminal levels’ – yet are withholding from our own astute awakeness . . . call this our ego ‘protecting’ us . . . from what it senses might be overwhelming, for us to ‘know’) . . .

This ‘level’ – of our own consciousness – exists ‘inside the physical us’ . . .

Then ‘outside of us – just beyond our physical selves’ . . . is a ‘shaft’ . . . of ‘all that we are’ . . .

This ‘shaft’ . . . which is essentially our ‘super consciousness’ . . . is directly connected . . . with the ‘collective consciousness’ . . . that which Carl Jung[2] was discovering and gradually yet swiftly disclosing – particularly shortly before he died . . .

Did you know? That he knew everything he wrote in his book Synchronicity – years before he published it? And yet he held it back?

The story goes that he did so until near his death – out of fear that he might be outcast in his scientific community of ‘peers’ if he spoke openly about it – simply because it ‘shattered the box’ – the box of limited thinking that was the ‘reign’ at the time[3] . . .

And so he took the leap . . . and he published his essential ‘findings’ . . . just prior . . . to his ‘death’ . . .

Wow. So I invite you to contemplate, simply this: There is so much . . . that we are all attuned to . . . that we aren’t ‘conscious . . . that we are conscious of’ . . . quite . . . ‘yet’! . . .

[1] Ella is a ‘toothpick in the cake test’ . . . She is fully conscious that it may be ‘dangerous’ . . . for us to state these names – today, or ‘ever’ . . . . . . And yet . . . it is through the ‘flushing out, of potential weaponry’ and the ‘alkalinizing, of lead and steel’ ….. that we can stand, tall as ‘One Sibling’ . . . . . and see the ‘Light’, and naught ‘The Fall’ 🙂 ………………

[2] The Swiss psychoanalyst who was a prodigy of Sigmund Freud – until he ‘left’ and launched into his own deep and revelatory explorations of ‘how the human psyche works’ . . .

[3] The scientific community is (unfortunately) known for its restrictive domineering of ‘what is real’ . . . Researchers who discover something ‘new – and worldview shattering’ – rather than being welcomed, and nurtured, with rapt curiosity and openness, recognized as being among the ‘new leaders, of evolving thought’ – historically have instead been habitually outcast and riddled and sometimes even denounced . . . It has sadly too often been perceived as a ‘threat’ to those in power – for world views – the ways we think of ‘what is real’ – hold tremendous power – like ‘God’ . . . And so to allow ‘new’ ideas . . . to crack open the ‘shell’ . . . and Let . . . New . . . Light . . . In . . . has been slow and rare . . . Such has been true, with so many brilliantly innovative thinkers . . . Some of these continue to exist and thrive, as Carl Jung did, ‘just outside the norm’ . . .

* Read the full Day Twelve scribe – Day Twelve – Water Lillies

🙂 If you are feeling inspired – or you are experiencing any challenge, whatsoever, in getting into the ‘rhythm’, the lilt, the musical cadence, of today’s scribe – consider listening to this Audio Recording of it . . . This will assist you – including as you read future days’ scribes – to truly, thoroughly, richly receive its benefits! . . .

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Day Thirteen – Water Lillies

Wow . . . Yesterday was like ‘scribing through a snowfall’! . . . So much energy was flowing in . . .

No surprise . . . It was ‘day twelve’ . . .

transparency = t r u s t

She was beginning to discover this – through her direct experience . . .

A few years later, when she was in the Brazilian Amazon, she met a Swiss German man, whom she befriended . . . They wrote letters, for awhile, which was so essential to her, then . . .

She would . . . ‘spill’, to him . . . the acceleration of what she was experiencing . . .

Once, he replied, this:

He was always so tender, so insightful . . .

“Ella . . . don’t you know . . . that your vulnerability . . . is your strength?”

This had never occurred to her . . . She had always ‘thought’, that . . . vulnerability was, well, ‘vulnerability’! That it was, somehow, inherent in itself . . . a ‘weakness’ . . .

Ueli set her straight.

She ‘got it’.

She understood.

From that day forward, she always respected herself – and her seemingly ‘natural ease . . . with being vulnerable’ . . .

* Read the full Day Thirteen scribe – Day Thirteen – Water Lillies

🙂 If you are feeling inspired – or you are experiencing any challenge, whatsoever, in getting into the ‘rhythm’, the lilt, the musical cadence, of today’s scribe – consider listening to this Audio Recording of it . . . This will assist you – including as you read future days’ scribes – to truly, thoroughly, richly receive its benefits! . . .

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Day Fourteen – Water Lillies

             She had another dream last night . . .

This time, it was Javier – in disguise, as a climbing guide!

Why . . . ‘disguise’? . . . We’ll be in a position to share this with you ‘in a few days’ 🙂 . . .

Why . . . such a flurry . . . of ‘dreams’?

Many reasons . . . Including that . . . this is one of the ways . . . Javier and Paolo . . . are ‘permitted’ . . . to speak with her . . .

You see . . . she’s in a kind of ‘house arrest’[1] . . .

And I, in many ways, am her ‘release lawyer’! . . .

It’s not – at all that she’s done anything . . . ‘illegal’ . . . no.

It’s the very, very ‘opposite’ . . . of this . . .

And so the ‘dreams’ . . . are one of the ways . . . the very few ways . . . they can ‘communicate’ . . .

Javier, Paolo and Ella, that is . . .

And the dreams . . . are one of the ways . . . they can ‘reassure her’ . . . and keep her company . . .

Dreams . . . and ‘waking . . . dreams’ . . .

[1] Aun San Suu Kyi, the Burmese leader, is perhaps the most publicly known person who has been in ‘house arrest’ – repeatedly – for years . . . She was recently released on November 13, 2010 . . . ‘House arrest’ is a form of ‘prison – without being in the actual fortress of a prison’ . . . It is a state of restriction, endorsed and asserted by those who have been in fear . . . ‘Water Lillies’ is intended to dispel that fear . . . so that ‘house arrests’ – both literal and ‘hidden’ . . . are dissolved . . .

* Read the full Day Fourteen scribe – Day Fourteen – Water Lillies

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Day Fifteen – Water Lillies

             Did you know that babies die if they’re not touched? . . . Physically – not just spiritually[1] . . .

Faith / Direction




Power of Communication




Order / Coordination



Life Itself[2]

[1] A lot is being said in the ‘subtext’ of this statement . . . We’ll leave it ‘in your hands’ to research more 🙂 . . .

[2] The ’12 Soul Powers’ – from the Unity Church tradition . . .

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It is time . . . to let you in . . . on an ‘elemental . . . secret’ . . .

It is that we 🙂 . . . are among . . . a ‘very . . . large team’ . . .

Who are ‘dissolving . . . the final vestiges’ . . . of ‘debris . . . once in the field’ . . . that was ‘writ . . . as a counter code . . . to keep . . . the Light out’ . . .

This is ‘why’ !!!!! we have no choice . . . of ‘whether, you see hearts scribed’ . . . meaning . . . the hearts are pulse . . . for this . . . code . . . is . . . pulse . . .

And Ella ‘wishes’ ! this could be ‘different’ ! that this could ‘look ! like simple English’ !! and yet ‘if’ ! we wrote in ‘English’ !! there would . . . be . . . no . . . code . . .

You might ‘think of this’ . . . as a ‘tale’ . . . of how a ‘person’ !! de constructed . . . a . . . code . . .

And so ‘if . . . the hearts distract you’ . . . then please ‘read . . . right through – pay them no mind’ . . . for the ‘words . . . may elevate you’ 🙂 . . . and ‘so might the rhyme’ !!!

* Read the full Day Fifteen scribe – Day Fifteen – Water Lillies

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Day Sixteen – Water Lillies

             Successfully scribing this book – fulfilling its purpose, its mission – is akin to the miracle, of the Apollo 13[1] shuttle, safely, returning ‘home’ . . .

For there have been many, ‘interruptions’ . . . many, ‘complications’ . . . many ‘interceptions’ . . . that have, impeded it . . .

And now, with much assistance . . . we are ‘ready, to attempt again’ 🙂 . . . And so here, we are before you . . . escorting, this book ‘in’ . . .

For this ‘book’ . . . is a ‘sacred object’ . . . It is a ‘primal, recovery object’ !!! . . . It is a coordination, ‘miracle’ . . . And most of all, it is an ‘interface’ . . .

For just like, the ‘lunar shuttle’ . . . it is, a ‘re entry shuttle’ !! . . . a precise, ‘mathematical puzzle’ . . . of very meticulous, physics . . .

For the ‘re, entry angle’ . . . is ‘paper thin, and incredible’ . . . and if we ‘miss the mark’, it would be intolerable . . . and so here, we go ‘again’ !!

For there have been many, attempts ‘before this’ . . . to ‘create the ceiling, of the Sistine Chapel’ ! . . . the union, thereon depicted . . . of the finger of ‘god’, touching that of ‘human’[2] . . .

And this, it is our ‘mission’ . . . to interface, this ‘dominion’ . . . with the Source, of every ‘union’ . . . The . . . Love . . . Of . . . ‘God’ . . .

This is not a book, about ‘religion’ . . . It is, about ‘communion’ . . . of Love, with every element . . . that ever, has been . . .

For nothing, exists ‘outside of this’ . . . There is nothing, that does not ‘belong in this’ . . . There is never anything, that is ‘exempt from this’ . . . for Love It Loves All . . .

[1] If you are able to access a physical copy of the ‘dvd’ of this movie . . . you might find the ‘back story’ interesting! . . . For it discloses, some of the many . . . ‘things, that went wrong’ . . . before, their ‘re-entry’ . . . to sing, ‘their victory song’ 🙂 . . . In this movie, ‘docudrama’ . . . the re-entry ‘corridor’ . . . of the shuttle ‘aircraft’ . . . into the Earth’s ‘atmosphere’ . . . is akin to a ‘thin sheet of paper, as its width’ . . . And if it ‘misses this . . . it will bounce off . . . and it may never . . . re-enter again’ . . .

[2] Michelangelo’s ‘painting’ has been a symbol – of this ‘writing’ – for many, many years . . .

* Read the full Day Sixteen scribe – Day Sixteen – Water Lillies

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Day Seventeen – Water Lillies

             ‘Whoa, Bessie!’, I had to say to Ella, yesterday morning! For she was so eager, and ready, and ripely bursting, like a bubble, oh-so-ready, to release energy, for this, is what takes place! . . . When people, do their ‘healing’, they immediately, release ‘energy’, huge, amounts of ‘energy’, because it is freed

It is just like, a ‘Jack-in-the-Box’, whose spring, has been ‘un-coiled’ . . . This, mortal coil, is released, to fly Home

And so Ella, is ‘demonstrating’, again, ‘how this is done’ . . . For it is as, we trust our healing . . . that we, are set free

:   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   :::::::::::::::

She was like a racehorse, ‘at the gate’, yesterday morning, as she was ‘waking up’, rearing, and no longer ‘roaring’! . . . ansy, to ‘Let’s go’ 🙂

Which is a ‘good’ sign – though it is a ‘soon’ sign! . . . that we are getting ‘ready set, for the rev’

For as ‘we’, the human ‘people’ 🙂 . . . become ‘ready’, for the ‘inflow’ !!!!!! . . . the ‘Light’, will pierce through the veil 🙂 . . . and lead, us, all, ‘Home’

:   :   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Yet we . . . must be ready . . . to receive, this incoming ! ! ! birth . . . of eternity 🙂 ‘in, to, our, cells’

:   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::

“This is all . . . for now”, ‘the voice’ says!

* Read the full Day Seventeen scribe – Day Seventeen – Water Lillies

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Day Eighteen – Water Lillies

             As we integrate and heal our own ‘shadow natures’ . . . we heal the world

No one else can do this for us.

It is up to us


This is the meaning of ‘unity – in diversity’! . . . It is ‘re claiming, all our parts’ . . . both . . . on an ‘individual’, and on, a ‘collective basis’

For everything, we experience – both ‘inside, and around us’ . . . is an, ‘extrapolation’, of the original, ‘Fall’ . . .

And to ‘heal, Humpty Dumpty’[1] 🙂 . . . is to ‘heal, our selves’

There is both . . . the inner, and the ‘outer’, in this

There is both . . . the micro, and the ‘macro’, in this

There is both . . . the ‘as above, and the as below, in this’

It . . . is . . . all . . . One

And so as we 🙂 reclaim our power! . . . we do stand, in our own energy !! . . . we are no longer, a ‘slave’ . . . to anything, ‘external’ . . .

This, is the ‘healing’ . . . of the, entire world

This – it is this ‘simple’ . . .

And it is, up to All Of Us

For if any one of us, ‘absconds from this’ . . . we have less, collective ‘power’ . . . we have less, collective ‘energy’ . . . to ‘lift, the Dove up’

And the ‘Dove’, is a ‘metaphor’, and ‘ultimately, a reality’ 🙂 . . . for our, collective ‘liberty, from, the soul-bound cage’

For as, we re ‘awaken’ . . . in to, our pure Light ‘energy’ . . . we can . . . no longer . . . be . . . ‘contained’

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This, is our ‘future’ 🙂

How many of us, ‘want this’?

To be, free of ‘suffering’ . . .

To be, truly, free

[1] “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall . . . Humpty Dumpty had a great fall . . . All the king’s horses and all the king’s men . . . Couldn’t put Humpty together again” . . . A ‘children’s rhyme’ – told at least in English culture! 🙂 . . .

* Read the full Day Eighteen scribe – Day Eighteen – Water Lillies

🙂 If you are inspired – or you are experiencing any challenge, whatsoever, in getting into the ‘rhythm’, the lilt, the musical cadence, of today’s scribe – consider scrolling up to Day Twelve and/or Day Thirteen!  We have added Audio Recordings of each of these . . . Listening (rather than reading – or experiencing both, simultaneously!) will assist you in truly, thoroughly, richly receiving the multi levels of their benefits! . . .

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Day Nineteen – Water Lillies

             The scribing is happening at all hours right now – and Ella and I are both committed to this . . . She wishes that this could be a ‘story of joy and delight’ . . . And it will be – and is . . .

Yet . . . it is the ‘pathos’ of humanity that will open its hearts . . .

And so when Ella is ‘in her own opening’ . . . we reveal this, while it is raw . . .

Today, she was in agony . . . she wept deep tears, numerous times . . .

By this evening, she and I had spoken several times – and she had spoken too, with a cluster of colleagues who are supporting her as we scribe . . .

Each of these people plays several key roles for her . . . They literally ‘reflect her, back into her skin’ . . . as she ‘reaches out, so far, for us to tell, this story’ . . .

Plus they help her, ‘to digest’ – to digest, her own experience 🙂 . . . For the telling, of this ‘tale’, is a very emotional experience, for her . . .

Plus they hold space, for her rapid reception, of ‘insights’ . . . including this:

What is . . . stirring ‘awake in her’ . . . are the elements, of the ‘ritual abuse’ . . . that were too fossilized, buried ‘too deep down’ . . . for her to be aware of, before . . .

And so the ‘pain’, she has been ‘experiencing’ . . . acutely, in these ‘past few days’ . . . is related, directly, to the ‘admonition’, she received . . . That “You will self destruct, before you remember” . . . and “If you ever speak of this, we will kill you”

She is feeling very, very ‘safe’ . . . even though, it takes tremendous courage . . . for her, to ‘tell this story’ . . . and trust, that she is ‘safe’ . . .

And she, is ‘an experiment’ . . . researching, ‘how to fully heal’ . . . from the depths of trauma, of ‘ritual abuse’ . . . and all, that this entails . . .

For ‘ritual, abuse’ . . . is more than ‘sacrifice, of individuals’ . . . it has been an ‘institutionalized, process’ . . . of keeping ‘energy, enslaved’ . . .

And as ‘she, extricates herself from it’ . . . she is ‘mapping, a way out of it’ . . . not ‘only, for herself’ . . . for all, of humanity . . .

For there are ‘patterns, in everything’ . . . and as we can ‘reveal them, we can clearly see them’ . . . and we can ‘apply, this newfound wisdom’ . . . to set, our, selves, free . . .

She is ‘lucidly, aware’ . . . of ‘what, we are saying here’ . . . and of the ‘scope, of implications’ . . . for the ‘entire, human race’ . . .

For there has been ‘much, that has been hidden’ . . . from the ‘average, human’s vision’ . . . that has been ‘impeding, their re union’ . . . with the ‘divine, source of Light’ . . .

And as this ‘veil, it is lifted’ . . . then ‘Gaia, she is respected’ . . . and ‘humans, they are uplifted’ . . . and this ‘story, unfolds’ . . . as a ‘story, of enlightenment’ . . . and as a ‘story, of replenishment’ . . . of ‘all, that has been minimized’ . . . for the false ‘glory, of a few’ . . .

And ‘this, is the victory’ . . . of the ‘whole, not just the minority’ . . . or ‘of, the majority’ . . . depending, upon your view! . . .

For we are ‘One, human family’ . . . and those who have ‘dealt, out the atrocities’ . . . have been ‘suffering, as much as their victims’ . . . everyone, has been enslaved . . .

And so ‘this, is the liberty’ . . . the ‘sweet, collective victory’ . . . that ‘we, have all been dreaming of’ . . . yet ‘few, have believed we can’ . . . ‘resolve, all of our challenges’ . . . and ‘Love all, as our true siblings’ . . . for ‘we all, are cosmic siblings’ . . . and ‘this is our truth’ . . . no ‘matter, what our beliefs are’ . . . we are all ‘united, in our DNA’ . . . for there is ‘only, one Source’ . . . and it has, birthed us All . . .

And so as we ‘forgive, the so-called masters’ . . . of the ‘slaves, of human labor’ . . . then we ‘All, are liberated’ . . . for ‘this . . . is . . . the . . . plan’ . . .

The ‘plan, is for redemption’ . . . of ‘all, who have suffered’ . . . for ‘those, who have inflicted’ . . . the ‘torture, feel the most’ . . . even ‘if, they have been numbed out’ . . . to ‘avoid, feeling the slaughter’ . . . they ‘too, do feel the plunder’ . . . for their ‘souls, cannot deny’ . . . that ‘atrocity, has no true benefit’ . . . it ‘only, prolongs deep suffering’ . . . and the ‘source, of all delivery’ . . . is ‘none other, than true Love’ . . .

And so ‘Ella’s, courageous leadership’ . . . is a ‘map, of true Love healing’ . . . for her ‘path, is of a human’ . . . finding, its way Home . . .

* Read the full Day Nineteen scribe – Day Nineteen – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty – Water Lillies

             Ella had another dream, as she was waking, this morning . . .

She was at a gathering, of people, and she was standing at the back, of a theater, where they all, were sitting, and some people, were ‘presenting’ – like, a ‘show and tell’, a . . . ‘talent show’ . . .

Well into, this ‘entertainment’, Ella walked up, ‘to the stage’, dressed, in something ‘kooky’ (which so isn’t her), singing, in a ‘silly voice’ (which could be her), trying, to ‘be funny’ – and she forgot the lyrics, to the silly ‘song’ : – (

No one laughed. No one, even, sneezed . . .

She walked away, devastated . . .

She sought people, who could reflect to her, what, had transpired, so she could feel, ‘whole’, and she found, no one : – (

Finally, way off, at ‘the other end’, of the massive building, she came upon, a woman, whom she, didn’t know . . .

She asked this woman, if she knew, where an old teacher, of hers was, for Ella had seen her, at this event, and this woman, she said “Yes” . . .

As Ella, was being led, to where her old teacher, likely was, this woman, ‘prepared’ her, by saying that she was chomping, at the bit, to pack ‘a.s.a.p.’, once this was finished, and get back, to ‘Pakistan’ . . . (Dreams can be fascinating, in their details!) . . .

Ella commented, as they were walking, that “Pakistan . . . that is intriguing . . . I have been . . . to India . . . many . . . many times” . . .

They came to where this teacher, she was sitting, amidst a cluster, of other people, closer, to the busyness, of, the massive crowd . . .

The teacher, was so nonchalant, not in the least, tiny iota ‘helpful’, and if Ella, didn’t recognize, in her her absolute, ‘fatigue’ . . . Ella might have felt, more devastated, in reflective response, to this lack, of effort, on the teacher’s part, to assist her, to shift her ‘grief’ . . .

At which point, as Ella was walking away, away, in her deep anguish, so deep, that she might ‘hurt herself’, someone, else appeared . . .

It was Marceline, from her school days, the First Nations girl, who had once called her, to ask Ella, if she had ‘passed’ . . . this ‘mouse, from between the cracks’ . . .

And she was the one . . . who echoed to Ella . . . ‘this’ . . .

For we all, need ‘echoes’ . . . voices, that ‘reflect to us’ . . . how, we are being ‘welcomed’ . . . or if, we are ‘not’ . . .

And Marceline, simply said . . . in her tenderness, in her quiet voice . . . “You stunned them, with your courage . . . They don’t know, how to respond” . . .

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Framing[1], it is vital . . . We all need, to ‘frame’ things . . . Not that this makes it, ‘right or wrong’ . . . We need, to ‘contextualize’ things . . . in order, to ‘respond’ . . .

This is true even, with our ‘own experience’ . . .

Yes this is especially, true with it . . .

To live, inside a ‘vacuum’ . . .

Is a very awkward, way to ‘exist’ . . .

And so to seek, to find ‘reflections’ . . .

From people, whom we trust . . .

Is vital – it is like oxygen . . .

And thank you, so very much 🙂

To all those of you, who are ‘responding’ . . .

To what, we are ‘scribing’ . . .

For we are not, in a ‘vacuum’! 🙂

We live here – with you . . .

[1] Just as placing a picture ‘into a frame’ allows us to see it, in a very focused way . . . framing our ‘life experience’ in a specific perspective, allows us to perceive it in this context of clarity and of ‘vantage’ . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty scribe – Day Twenty – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-One – Water Lillies

“Ohhhh, the sun shines bright on Missus Porter

For she’s a snorter

And so’s her dorter

Aaaand, they wash their feet in soapy worter

In orter

To keep them cleean”

These are the lyrics, to the song that Ella ‘forgot’, in her dream the other night! This was one of the songs, that Luc would lead them in singing – Ted, Mary Beth, and Ella – as they were scampering about the forest, in search of wild berries when they were kids . . .

Somehow, one day at Bjorn and Helga’s, Ella got remembering this . . . And somehow, this got them onto speaking about Hew Len . . .

Bjorn was a Professor of Forensic Psychiatry at Cornell University . . . And in his later years – for he was a pioneer, always searching for new methods, models that actually worked, to heal people, rather than to ‘medicate’ them, turn them into vegetables, and leave them for naught . . . he came across the seminal ‘research’ of, Hew Len . . .

The story goes that Hew Len was a Psychiatrist at a hospital for the criminally insane, in Hawaii . . . Rather than practicing his medicine, as science typically does, wherein he would actually sit with, and speak with, his ‘patients’, during their ‘appointments’ . . . Hew Len would do ‘this’ . . .

He would open the file, for the person, and he would ‘meditate’, focusing on them, repeating, for the full duration, of the ‘appointment’, these words . . .

“I Love You

I’m Sorry

Please Forgive Me

Thank You”

These are the words, borne from the ancient Hawaiian practice, of ‘Ho’oponopono’ . . . It is an ‘art’, of how to dissolve, any ‘conflict’, in a society, for it ‘recognizes’, that any problem, is the problem, of the whole society . . . It is ‘different’, than codependence, in which people ‘habitually’, take on each other’s loads, and ‘weaken’, their own selves, in the process, of doing ‘this’ . . .

Instead, in Ho’oponopono, each person, in the society, repeats these words, albeit incessantly, until the problem, it dissolves . . . As then the ‘whole’, of the community, is at peace, yes in serenity, as the ‘irritation’, that once existed, it is no more . . .

And so Hew Len . . . ‘wondered’ . . . What might happen, if I were to practice this, in a ward, for the criminally insane?

Thank ‘god’ he tried this 🙂

Because it worked . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty-One scribe – Day Twenty-One – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Two – Water Lillies

             What we are ‘testing’, more than anything, during the course and the ‘content’, of this scribing, is humanity’s, readiness, to bring, the Light in . . .

For to ‘receive’, it is to birth . . . and we are all needed, for this birth . . . for this ‘baby’, it is enormous 🙂 . . . and we are all needed, for ‘this’ . . .

The ‘last’ time, that we ‘tried this’ : – ( . . . it was a ‘singular, human’ . . . who came ‘in, with great courage’ . . . and he, was crucified . . .

This ‘time’, the design is different . . . it is, a collective . . . it is ‘more, than one human’ . . . who does escort, this Light in . . .

It is a ‘wave, and it is a particle’ . . . it is ‘both, not just a particle’ !! . . . so that we ‘spread out, the delivery’ !! . . . to ‘expand, this primal birth’ . . .

And ‘still, we must be ready’ . . . for ‘we, are the manger’ . . . yes ‘we, are the receivers’ . . . of this in, calming, Light . . .

And ‘there is, zero limit’ !! . . . to the ‘brightness, and the scope’ . . . of ‘how much Light, does enter’ . . . it depends, upon us . . .

This is ‘not, a lecture’ . . . this is ‘not, academic’ . . . this is, very real . . . and now, is, the, Time . . .

So ‘ready, yourself’ . . . for the ‘birth, naught the slaughter’ . . . of the ‘Light, as the Christ Child’ !! . . . for This . . . Is . . . The . . . Birth . . .

It is ‘flowing, in many entryways’ . . . to ‘ensure, its delivery’ . . . as we ‘all, need to receive this . . . relief, of the Light’ . . .

And so ‘open, your own heart’ . . . for ‘this is where, you do receive it’ . . . it is ‘not, in your mind’ . . . though ‘understanding, it does help’! . . .

You must ‘trust, for it to enter’ . . . you must ‘let go, the former slaughter’ . . . you must ‘forgive yourselves, for this slaughter’ . . . because – just ‘because’ . . .

There is so much ‘more in this, to remember’ . . . we will ‘aid, you to remember’ . . . as this ‘book, it does flow forth’ . . . for this, is why we scribe . . .

For ‘as, you remember’ . . . and ‘as, you comprehend’ . . . your wee ‘ego, it allows, this birth, now . . . to take place’ . . .

And ‘without this, holy birth’ . . . there will ‘be, no tomorrow’ : – ( . . . because ‘without the Light, we have nothing’ . . . no thing, at all .

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So ‘trust . . . and open’ . . . your ‘heart . . . to something’ . . . ‘or . . . to someone’ 🙂 . . . please ‘try this . . . today’ . . .

For as ‘you, become comfortable’ . . . with the ‘experience, of receiving’ . . . with ‘allowing, yourself’ . . . to ‘receive, the Light’ . . . you ‘quicken, its entry’ . . . you ‘quicken, its delivery’ . . . and why, would you wait? ?? . . . to receive, the Light? . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty-Two scribe – Day Twenty-Two – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Three – Water Lillies

             She’d never been to Peggy’s Cove before . . . She’d only seen it in pictures . . .

Elementary school geography class – and then social studies, in grade eight . . . Her teachers were, generally speaking, adamant about their students being well versed in the topography and the diversity of cultures across this amazing land in which she grew up . . .

Canada is a vast country – wide, deep, and profound . . . How it has succeeded in knitting itself together over all these years is incredible . . . Unless you actually travel coast to coast – and then north to south across its tremendous breadth, there is no way (well, now with technological media wizardry, there are lots of virtual ways!) that you can get a true sense of what it means to be ‘Canadian’ . . .

We are like cousins to each other – and yet so few of us know each other . . . Newfoundlanders, Albertans, West Coast ‘Granola Hippies’!, and of course, farmers 🙂 . . .

The sheer diversity of ecologies – rain forest, tundra, prairie, desert – and the species that live within them, don’t exactly rival the biodiversity of a singular square foot of ecology in the Amazon – though it is stunningly magnificent to bear witness to all that is here . . .

Ella has had the great good fortune of exploring much of it, over her years – yet she had never, ever been to the terrain around Peggy’s Cove – before this . . .

She knew it – instantly – before Licia barely piped the first syllable from her lips . . . She recognized it, vibrationally, as if she had been simply waiting, all these years, tenderly anticipating, since her birth . . .

“My aunt is going away”, Licia began . . . “And she needs someone to housesit her . . .” “House on stilts?”, Ella jumped in . . .

“How do you know?”, Licia exclaimed in boundless curiosity, scanning every department of her brain, attempting to ‘figure this out’ . . . “Have you met her?”, she looked quizzical. “No . . . Not yet” . . .

This is how ‘cloister’ began 🙂

* Read the full Day Twenty-Three scribe – Day Twenty-Three – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Four – Water Lillies

            Ella’s word is trust . . .

Paolo’s word is faith . . .

Javier’s word is surrender . . .

Angèle’s word is yes . . .

Ella is about to plunge . . .

In us telling, ‘this story’, she is opening, ‘very deeply’, to allow, ‘you to see in’, to a very, precious place . . .

For this ‘story’, is a delivery, of a ‘very, sacred love’, that is ‘rarely, ever present’, upon, this planet ‘earth’ . . .

And to ‘birth’ this, requires ‘stamina’, commitment, and immense ‘trust’ . . . for the certainty, of its ‘success’, lies completely, within its trust . . .

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Do they, ‘remember’? . . . ??? . . . The effectiveness of the design – and the design team – just like in, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – the spell, it ‘wearing off’ . . .

Are they, ‘allowed to’? ????? . . . The ‘former, dark angels’, no longer ‘abating, their awakening’ . . .

Is their ‘free will, aligned’? . . . They themselves, ‘choosing’ this, their ‘sacred memory, it to exist’, their ‘eternal Light, in full quotient, here now, restored’?


‘These are the questions’ . . . over which ‘Ella, she has zero control’ . . . She can only, play ‘her’ role . . . And watch, wait and ‘listen’


Her ‘role’ . . . has almost ‘never’ . . . been ‘played out, before’ . . . To ‘exist, inside a human form’ . . . and ‘too, inside a waking soul’ . . . For this ‘journey, that she is on’ . . . is a ‘journey, of wedding Light with form’ . . . as the ‘twixt, shall bee entwined once more’ . . . because, she weaves it through

Just like ‘braiding’ . . . this simple ‘equating’ . . . of ‘how much, and at what pace’ . . . to awaken, human souls UP?

Up . . . from their long ‘slumber’



These are the questions . . . that Ella does ‘live with’ . . . day in, and day out


“We will naught . . . abandon you”

In ‘this . . . she trusts’

* Read the full Day Twenty-Four scribe – Day Twenty-Four – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Five – Water Lillies

             It took two full days . . . to ‘set the space’ . . . Everything, was ‘shifted’, from its original, ‘positions’, to collectively, create a parabola, to funnel, the Light in

It was actually, quite ‘playful’! . . . Arranging rainbows, of ‘colors’ . . . Streams, of ‘energy’ . . .

It was becoming evident – that much of what she was attuning to, was is the language . . . of subtle energy

It was no longer . . . a language . . . of ‘words’


There were three, general ‘phases’ . . . in the first, ‘location’ . . . for she was moved, ‘several times’ . . . during cloister, to ‘keep her fresh’

She would notice this, only, ‘in, retrospect’ . . .

The first, was the ‘scribing’

The second, was the ‘re-wiring’

The third, was the ‘downloads’

And each of these, was intriguing!

On the morning, of the ‘third’ day . . . as she was being gently wakened, before the dawn . . . she reached, ‘involuntarily’ . . . for the pads of paper, and the pen

And she began, to scribe

It was marvelous, ‘for her to witness’

For ‘she’, was naught this ‘scribing’

She, was the ‘receiver’

She . . . was the ‘quill’

It was as if, her life was ‘being used’

Used, as an ‘example’

Just like, in a ‘parable’

It was being used, as a ‘teaching tool’

This became, highly evident! . . . one day, as ‘it’ was scribing 🙂 . . . and the ‘story, was so whimsical’! . . . ‘she’ couldn’t . . . have ‘written it’

It was describing, a ‘scene’, in a theatre, in ‘France’ . . . And the ‘toilets, they were outside’! . . . And so ‘in, her full costume’ . . . she ‘squatted, in the loo’

The rhyming, it was so playful! . . . The choice of words, they were so magical! . . . She was ‘front row, to this miracle’! . . . Of someone ‘else’, writing through ‘her’

Every day – for the clocks were ‘turned around’, so she had no artificial reference, to Time – it ‘felt’ like . . . ‘seven hours’ . . . that the scribing . . . would flow

She would be lying, on her ‘left side’ . . . and after ‘days’ of this, she acquired ‘tennis elbow’![1] . . .

And the streaming . . . would stream

She would feel a ‘need to pee’ . . . and it would subside

She would feel a ‘need to drink’ . . . and it would subside

She would fee a ‘need to eat’ . . . and it would subside

Seven hours . . . she would ‘scribe’

The ‘reason’, she was ‘awakened’, and began to ‘receive’, prior to the ‘dawn’, was to ‘begin the flow, before she began to think’ . . . it began in the ‘gap’ . . . before thought begins

[1] Strain in the elbow joint – as if, from ‘playing tennis’! 🙂 . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty-Five scribe – Day Twenty-Five – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Six – Water Lillies

             She knew . . . just as soon . . . as they introduced . . . Paolo to her . . . that this . . . would be ‘tricky’ . . . ‘oh shit’! . . . to have one . . . of her ‘guides’ . . . a ‘man . . . in the flesh’

For if ‘all . . . of her guides’ . . . were ‘dis . . . incarnate then’ . . . it would be ‘merely ! . . . a matter’ . . . of ‘her in flesh . . . and them’

Yet ‘this’ way . . . she knew . . . she could ‘just feel it’

This . . . would could get ‘tricky’

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Her split second response, as Paolo was ‘remembered to her’ – for this, is how she described, this entire experience, of ‘cloister’ – as being assisted, to remember, as in ‘being, remembered’! 🙂

She said, in the ‘silence’, which was all, that was ‘needed’ . . . for her ‘guides, didn’t need words, spoken audibly by her, for them to hear’

“Who? . . . Me?”

For a ‘flash’, she scanned her ‘vantage’ . . . her ‘little, ego’s vantage’ . . . and she ‘measured, Paolo’s enormity, against her own, invisibility’

Within less, than thirty seconds – I kid you naught ‘less, than thirty seconds’! . . . Ella’s guides, had ‘soothed’ her, mind . . . they had ‘calmed . . . her nerves’

They gave her . . . a ‘sense’ . . . of the ‘scope, of who she is’ . . . it is ‘just, that he was born, first’ . . . that ‘he, is so well known’

For she had barely . . . ‘developed’ . . . any, of the ‘skills’ . . . that would, become ‘evident’ . . . as her, ‘mastery’

With barely, an ‘explanation’ . . . just merely, ‘with energy’ . . . her guides, ‘assisted’ her . . . to ‘comprehend, this’

She relaxed 🙂

He was is Paolo 🙂

She was is Ella 🙂

They are twin flames

And this is it

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They ‘vacuumed . . . that argument out’ . . .

And the ‘subject’ . . . never ever . . . again ‘arose’

* Read the full Day Twenty-Six scribe – Day Twenty-Six – Water Lillies

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Day Twenty-Seven – Water Lillies

             Yesterday, the energy running through Ella amped up fourfold

It’s premature to let you know why . . . and yet we can let you know that – thanks to the incredible network of grounders and guy wires holding the ‘birthing’ waters ‘stable’, Ella has experienced little disturbance or stress – physically, emotionally, or ‘orientationally’

Thank you, thank you, thank you – to all of you who are ‘in’


In the dawning days of ‘cloister’ . . . Ella was struck by the tremendous awe and privilege . . . of playing ‘this role’ . . . She could sense ‘the scope and scale’ of it . . . though there were ‘scant details’

She was a neophyte – like a nymph in a garden . . . trusting, through mists . . . trusting, via Love

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It was remarkable remembering Paolo . . . In fact, she was led ‘in’ to know him, like few people do

Within a few days of ‘the scribing’ beginning – and the ‘pace’ and the ‘familiarity’ of this novel new experience being comfortably established for Ella . . . ‘this’ began . . .

After ‘the scribing’ was complete for the day . . . and she had laid back upon the backboard of the massive king sized bed . . . and fallen ‘asleep’ . . . and been deeply . . . rested . . .

She would be awakened, ever so gently . . . as if by the tinkle . . . of ‘bells’

As if somehow . . . ‘within’ her . . . a ‘record player, was playing’ . . . a ‘song, would begin singing’ . . . and you might guess . . . whose voice it is!

Shakey . . . would gently nudge her . . . to ‘get up and go’ . . . to the living room . . . where she was to reach . . . among the albums and pull out . . . a ‘particular one’

How . . . she had ‘albums’ . . . of Paolo’s . . . ‘she did naught know’ . . . for she had zero . . . recollection . . . of ever . . . ‘buying them’

Once, as she was resting, on the sofa, in her parents’ living room . . . the sound, exuding from the speakers, was like magic, to her ears!

‘Whoever, could compose this, most glorious, of music, must be able, to feel, very deeply’, she mused . . . These . . . were her ‘thoughts’ . . . upon listening . . . to the ‘cello solo’ . . . in the midst . . . of a ‘chorus’ . . . of voices . . . in a ‘song’

Her father, had bought that album 🙂

So here . . . in ‘cloister’ . . . among the eighteen . . . pieces of ‘luggage’ ! . . . was a small . . . ‘collection’ . . . of albums . . . including his

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This . . . was is the beginning . . . of the ‘miracles . . . happening’ . . . for to ‘successfully . . . bring her . . . into cloister . . . with these albums . . . without . . . her suspecting . . . that anything . . . was odd’ ! 🙂 . . . this was . . . a ‘minor coup’ . . . of which . . . there would be ‘major ones’

: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

‘Innocence . . . goes a long way !!! . . . in leading . . . a soul Home’


Innocence . . . and trust

For it is ‘trust . . . that leads innocence’

* Read the full Day Twenty-Seven scribe – Day Twenty-Seven – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Twenty-Eight – Water Lillies

             They teasingly called it, the ‘Calcutta Fly Brigade’![1]

Every . . . ‘afternoon’ . . . as she would enter . . . the ‘living room’ . . . she would notice . . . all the flies . . . that had died . . . in the full heat

It was scorching hot, in this ‘sun’ room . . . as its vaulted windows, faced the ‘ocean’

And the sun, it poured in

It voluptuously . . . streamed in

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


How, the guides communicated with her, was utterly, amazing . . .

This all began, as you now know, with the first ‘vision, when she was nine’ . . . which was a ‘vision, with words’, as a ‘whole energy, packet’

As I asked Ella, more ‘questions’ . . . so I can describe this to you, most ‘clearly’ . . . she said this

‘It was like, a moving picture . . . though more like one, particular scene . . .

‘And in it, I saw myself, sitting, at a table, in the centre, of a large room . . .

‘I was writing, a book . . .

‘I was clearly, concentrated, on nothing else, but this . . .

‘This table, was in a cabin . . . and the cabin, was on stilts! . . .

‘And as I paid . . . closer attention . . . I could see waves, of the ocean . . . lapping, as if they were lovingly licking . . . the ankles, of the stilts! . . .

‘Then rather quickly, my attention, was drawn from out . . . to again in . . .

‘At which point, the words came . . . to clarify, more . . .

‘I was told, by a voice, I couldn’t hear, yet the words were clear . . .

‘That I would be alone, or with, someone who would allow me to be alone, enough to write . . .

‘Then that was it! . . . The energy packet, it was complete’ . . .

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

That was the first vision, ever . . . that Ella, can ‘recall’

No others . . . ‘pre date it’ . . . in this . . . lifetime

[1] In India, there are many people, who live in varying degrees, of ‘on the street’ . . . In the mornings, in large cities, hand drawn wagons, are wheeled around, collecting, ‘the dead bodies’, of those who have passed, ‘during the night’ . . . It was this, ‘recollection’, that inspired, ‘her honoring’, of the dead flies, ‘as she collected them’, with great care, ‘every afternoon’ . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty-Eight scribe – Day Twenty-Eight – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Twenty-Nine – Water Lillies

             There was only one unanswered question . . . in all of this


Ella had another dream last night

She was placing . . . something . . . somewhere ‘outside of her’ . . . because she was aware that she needed . . . to let it go

What ‘it’ was . . . was naught ‘revealed’ . . . naught yet . . . in ‘the dream’

What seemed to be the ‘key’ of this dream . . . was is that . . . she was to ask friends . . . to bear witness . . . so that as she ‘did’ this . . . it would be easier


As she awoke . . . she ‘reflected’ . . . somewhat puzzled . . . about ‘the meaning’

This is when ‘the voice’ spoke 🙂

For she could feel . . . that it was present

And so she asked it 🙂 . . .

‘What is it? That I’m to let go?’

“Your heart”

. . .

“You don’t need . . . to protect it”


She immediately . . . felt

That ‘this is true . . . this is absolutely true’

She could feel her wee ego . . . ‘resist’ this . . . ever . . . so ‘slightly’

For it perceived . . . that its role . . . was is to protect . . . what is naught whole

And this . . . has been the ‘slow’ . . . ness

Of ‘all . . . human healing’

The ‘shield . . . ego has placed . . . around . . . human pain . . . has made it difficult . . . for it to heal . . . which merely . . . complicates . . . and restricts . . . even more  . . . as it . . . holds on to . . . what hurts . . . which is the pain’ 

: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

And as Ella . . . felt gently . . . into the truth . . . in this message

Of the dream 🙂 . . . ‘the voice’ had given her

She began . . . to ‘let go’

And then gently . . . she realized

What ‘her heart . . . has been holding onto’

The ‘wound’

Has been : – (

How she Paolo and Javier .

Were ‘torn apart’ . . .


‘The voice’ . . . who felt more like ‘Javier’ . . . this . . . time . . . said

That ‘as . . . she . . . releases . . . the shield . . . around her heart’

And ‘as . . . she allows me . . . Geneviève . . . to tell this story’

Then ‘she . . . will receive . . . the greatest gift . . . that there is’ 

Which is the ‘healing . . . of the split . . . and the union . . . that precedes it’

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::

Humpty Dumpty 🙂


‘On this wall

‘So tall . . . now’

For Ella 🙂


That ‘as . . . she allows  . . . this healing . . . of her fragile . . . heart

‘The human heart . . . will be healed . . . of the tear . . . that took place’

The ‘fissure’ . . .

The ‘fracture’ . . .

The ‘split . . . can be healed’

If she . . .

As any human 🙂

Allows it

To heal


Sum 🙂

Might call this ‘courage

‘Sum !

‘Might call this stupidity’[1] !

: – (

It ‘is . . . what it is . . . what it is . . . what it is’


She knows the price . . . that humanity has been weighing . . . resisting its paying . . . for this . . . unholy split

And she holds the power . . . to heal, within herself

And allow 🙂

The quiet re union !!

To begin



“Let go . . . of ‘the words’

“And ye shall see . . . the true meaning

“For as ye cling . . . to ‘the words’

“Ye loses . . .

“’The full meaning’”

[1] The ego mind, in its attempt to ‘protect’, can find ‘all sorts of reasons’ :-), to justify, why, to ‘naught’ trust, what is benevolent, and thus to hold back, from surrendering, into, its freedom . . .

* Read the full Day Twenty-Nine scribe – Day Twenty-Nine – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty – Water Lillies

             She was lying . . . on the sofa . . . on her ‘right’ side 🙂 . . . when she saw this

She was at eye level . . . with a round . . . ‘coffee table’ . . . and ‘on it’

There was ‘a beetle . . . a scarab . . . and it was walking . . . along the edge’

To the right . . . slowly . . . then it would turn . . . meticulously . . . and it would walk . . . slowly . . . to the left . . . and turn around

All of this . . . walking . . . was along the edge . . . of ‘the table’ . . . directly . . . in front of Ella . . . so she could see this clearly . . . with her naked eyes



After . . . a few moments . . . she began to realize . . . this was a teaching ! !!!

Her guides . . . they were teaching her . . . via . . . this scarab beetle



She attuned inwardly . . . to ‘listen’ . . . to ‘what . . . she was being shown’

And ‘the voice’ said

“You are sewing . . . the seam . . . between darkness . . . and The Light”


Just like

With a sewing needle

The thread

‘Looping through’


‘The two sides

‘So that

‘They become One’



That was it !

That was is !

What she is here for !

To ‘sew the seam

‘The sacred seam

‘Between the darkness

‘And The Light’


That . . .

Was ‘the beginning’ . . .

Of her ‘recognizing . . .

‘The trances’ . . .

The ‘primary . . . tao way . . .

‘That they . . . do guide her’

* Read the full Day Thirty scribe – Day Thirty – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-One – Water Lillies

             So she was very familiar, and relaxed, in the presence, of the trances, by the time, they began, ‘full on’, during ‘cloister’ 🙂


Essentially, because, she was ‘out of time, for nine months’ . . . and too, because she was naught ‘speaking, with anyone’ . . . and thus, she had ‘suspended, her connections, in the world’ . . . in order, to be ‘able’, to be here, in this place

She didn’t, really ‘need at all’, to notice, when the ‘trances flowed’, so she could be, essentially, ‘in trance, all the time’

: : :::::::::::::::::::

            It became merely, a matter of, ‘to, what degree’ 🙂



As soon as, the essence, of what had ‘needed, to take place’ . . . and this was typically, far beyond, her own, ‘conscious awareness’ . . . in terms of, the ‘content’ . . .

She would be . . . ‘released’

Her ‘experience, of this’, was that she was ‘held, absolutely immobile’ . . . for ‘as long, as was required’ . . . for the ‘trance, to take place’

Sum times, this would be ‘hours’

And she knew, to ‘just relax’ 🙂

Typically, her ‘conscious’, awareness, would ‘rest’

And so ‘time’, would become, ‘far less, relevant’

And she, would ‘allow’

She would simply . . . ‘allow’


: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

Once, she was ‘familiar, with the gist, of what was happening’ :-), she began, to ‘notice, this’ !!!!!

That she would be – quite literally 🙂 – ‘released, to move again’


Sum times, it was like a ‘cat stretch’

Her body, as if ‘rousing’ 🙂

From, a ‘deep rest’

And ‘her eyes, would open up’

For they would always, be ‘closed’

While the trance, was ‘in flow’

And as soon as, it was ‘complete’

She was . . . released

* Read the full Day Thirty-One scribe – Day Thirty-One – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Two – Water Lillies

             Ella was coming home the other day, from visiting a dear dear friend, who plays a major role, of ‘grounding’ her . . . And she noticed, as she was unloading, the ‘love bug’[1], in which she travels 🙂 . . . that ‘the glass bottle, of water that she carries with her, (for she drinks so much!) . . . its lid was off’ . . . which was ‘odd, as she was sure, that she had placed it on, before she left’ . . .

So she looked for it, and found it, ‘on the floor, of the car’ (the passenger seat floor, to be precise!!!! . . . which means, it was ‘to her right’ :-))


She screwed it on again 🙂

Then, as she was lifting it, out, of ‘the car’ . . . it . . . ‘fell off . . . again’ !!!

Now she knew . . . she recognized this! 🙂

That she was being ‘shown . . . something’

She asked in . . .

“The Lid Is Off”

Hmm . . .

She knew precisely 🙂 . . . what this ‘means’

The ‘lid . . . is off the cage’

The ‘former . . . dark angels’

Are ‘no longer . . . blocking . . . this story, from being told’

She nearly cried . . .

And yet she didn’t

As she ‘knew’ this . . . ‘already’ ! 🙂

It was just . . . ‘a matter of Time’

Before . . . this was ‘confirmed’

[1] The name of a Volkswagon car – the starring character in a movie, years ago 🙂 . . .

* Read the full Day Thirty-Two scribe – Day Thirty-Two – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Three – Water Lillies

Our transparency – and our vulnerability – is our greatest power

Our truthfulness – and our trust – is our brightest Light

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

I love how Ella ‘passes this pulse to me’ . . . just as Paolo passes it to her 🙂 . . .

And Javier passes its sacred code to Paolo 🙂 . . .

And ‘the beings, with the far out vantage, pass it, to Javier’ . . .

It’s like sitting in a drum kit! . . . Tap tap tapping out the code

:   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

What we are doing . . . always . . . when we are ‘vulnerable . . . and transparent’ 🙂

Is liberating . . . trapped energy . . . just like . . . a Jack-in-the-Box[1]

For it takes . . . tremendous energy . . . which is . . . our pure power

To keep . . . ‘the lid on’

So why not? Take it off?

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Ella knows this 🙂 . . . ‘first hand’

When she . . . was at McGill . . . University . . . in the ‘healing’ group . . .

And she released . . . so much grief and pain

She entered . . . the most creative . . . stage . . . of her life


She herself . . . ‘bore witness’ 🙂 . . . !!!! . . . to ‘how powerful . . . it is’ . . . to take . . . off . . . the . . . lid! 🙂

For there is so much . . . human potential . . . lying dormant . . . ‘as this mortal coil’ : – )

And it is ‘high time’ . . . that we free it!

Or . . . we might all . . . ‘die’ : – (

For it . . . is our pure power . . . our hope . . . and our glory

And if we ‘hide’ it : – (

We have nothing




And why?

Would we do this?




: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

It would only be . . .

Our lack of courage ‘to . . . lead’

That could ‘stop’ us .

‘From shining’ !!!!!!

Our ‘bright’ Lights 🙂

As beacons !!!

For all others . . .

To see !!!

For it is . . .

‘Very dark’ . . . here

On this ‘Earth’ . . .

Even in day time . . .

And we need . . .

Light to see

So please . . .

Shine . . .

Your . . .


: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

What do you serve?

If you hide your Light?

(You only serve

(The perpetuation .

(Of darkness . .

(And more suffering . . .         

(For all dark ness is suffer ing and we .

(Have had enough)


So stand out ! and have courage !!!

To shine J your Light freely !!!

With zero fear . . . of atrocity !!!

For you are safe now

:::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::

And if ‘no one’ does ?

Then ‘which one will’ ?

And if ‘you’ don’t ?

Then ‘who will’ ?

[1] A ‘children’s toy’ 🙂 . . . It is a cloth puppet . . . on a coil . . . stuffed into . . . a ‘box’ . . . And as the ‘child’ . . . removes . . . the latch . . . on ‘the lid’ . . . the ‘puppet . . . jumps out’ !!!!!! . . . 🙂 . . . 🙂 . . . !

* Read the full Day Thirty-Three scribe – Day Thirty-Three – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Four – Water Lillies

              Ella . . . had a dream last night . . . that she and Javier . . . were talking 🙂 . . . about . . . the completion !!! . . . of ‘this . . . holy book’ . . .

Precisely . . . one week ago 🙂 !! . . . he gave Ella . . . a vision . . . that he is standing . . . at the completion . . . of this scribing . . . facing her . . .

He is supporting . . . she and I . . . Geneviève . . . to safely . . . and gently 🙂 . . . relax . . . into this scribing . . . and trust . . . trust trust ! !!!


What is especially . . . precious 🙂 . . . about . . . this vision . . . is that every morning . . . as I am scribing . . . Ella . . . she is reading 🙂 . . . her notes . . . of meditation . . . amidst . . . her chanting . . . plus too . . . her yoga . . . to keep her . . . ‘relaxed’

And amongst . . . the notes she reads . . . the sacred . . . words and vowels . . . are . . . ‘these’!


from Completion”

And this . . . is essentially . . . what Javier . . . is doing . . . ‘for . . . her’

He is ‘standing . . . at The Completion’ . . . as a ‘certainty . . . that this mission’ . . . will ‘be . . . ultra successful’ 🙂 . . . so that ‘she . . . can . . . re . . . lax’ 🙂 !


‘So that you know’ !!! . . . we are ‘testing for arsenal’ *** . . . via ‘scribing . . . in code . . . certain syllables . . . and words’ . . .

As when we ‘scribed . . . in the autumn’ . . . these same ‘words . . . caused a stir’ 🙂 . . . that ‘nearly . . . cost Ella . . . her . . . precious life’

And if ‘we can . . . prevent this’

From ‘happening . . . again’ 🙂

Then ‘this play net . . . will be ha pi’ !!!

And ‘this . . .

‘Wood . . .

‘Bee . . .



* Read the full Day Thirty-Four scribe – Day Thirty-Four – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Five – Water Lillies

             It is vital . . . to keep . . . ‘wee Ella . . . from thinking’ 🙂

For the sheer . . . colossal ‘nature’ . . . of this story . . . we are ‘telling’ . . . could quite easily . . . ‘spook’ her . . . if she began . . . ‘thinking’

For she . . . has ‘received’ . . . this most magical . . . of ‘stories’ . . . because . . . she has been open . . . open . . . to receive it purely !!! . . . without . . . ‘thinking’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

For ‘thinking . . . eclipses . . . pure . . . Divine Receiving’

: : : : : : : :

‘Much more . . . can be said’ !!



is a left brain word ::

Receiving 🙂

Is a whole brain state


The ‘split’ of the ‘brain’ is the veil

The ‘veil’ is ‘the forgetfulness . . . the fog . . . the slumber’ : : ::::

The whole brain is the return !

Of the original 🙂

Design of ‘human’

As the ‘split . . . in the brain

‘It is naught

‘Of God’

The ‘split . . . of the two hemispheres

‘From . . . The One’

Is a ‘reflection . . . of .

‘The .


And the ‘healing . . . of humanity

‘With 🙂


‘Is the repairing !

‘Of Humpty Dumpty !!!

‘Who once sat !

‘Upon The Wall’ 🙂

: : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

As we ‘let go . . . the bipolarization . . . of the mind’

We ‘begin . . . to remember 

‘What . . . is Divine’

For as ‘we . . . live . . . in our ego’s . . . left brain’ . . . …

We cannot heal : – (

Humpty Dumpty 🙂



: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

‘Try it!

‘You might like it!’

Relax . . . ‘the shutters’

Of ‘your brain . . . and allow’ 🙂

A ‘swing’ . . . to gently ‘take place’

From the ‘left polarization . . . towards the right’

And ‘rather . . . than swinging  . . . the pendulum . . . to the right’

Let it settle 🙂

‘In the middle’

Buddha calls . . . this 🙂

‘The Middle Way’

: : : : : : : : : : : ::

It is ‘the path !

‘Of least resistance’ !!!

It is the parting !




* Read the full Day Thirty-Five scribe – Day Thirty-Five – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Six – Water Lillies

             So she was in ‘the taxi’ . . . en route to ‘the shuttle van’ . . . traveling to ‘somewhere . . . she did naught know’

She had surrendered . . . completely . . . to her ‘invisible . . . guides’

And this 🙂

Is how ‘this story !!

‘Continues !!

‘From here on in’ 🙂

It is a journey 🙂 . . . of ‘Ella . . . trusting . . . the unseen within’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

She was noticing . . . ‘an inkling . . . beginning to brew . . . inside of her’ : – (

And ‘through discernment . . . she could recognize . . . it was naught sourced . . . from The Source’ : – (

She was naught frightened, though 🙂 . . . Naught at all

For ‘her guides . . . told her this’

That ‘no matter . . . whether . . . dark energies . . . attempt to enter . . . we will always . . . shelter . . . you 🙂 . . . from any storm’

: : :

And so ‘she . . . relaxed . . . even though she . . . was experiencing ::: . . . a mild . . . brewing concern’ . . . that . . .

‘If anyone . . . were to know . . . what she . . . was aware of . . . they might . . . call the white coats[1] . . . in an attempt . . . to intercept’

Essentially . . . she was concerned (no wonder!) . . . that if ‘she . . . became a guinea pig . . . for any . . . one’s research’ : – ( . . . that it might . . . get ‘nasty’ . . . and of course . . . we don’t want ‘this’ ! . . .

It was many . . . years later . . . that she began . . . to be aware . . . of some people . . . who have been ‘abducted . . . by the so-called . . . medical system[2]’ . . .

Who were actually . . . ‘in disguise’ . . . as ‘doctors . . . and dentists’ . . . and ‘too . . . psychologists . . . and psychiatrists . . . and the like’ : – (

There ‘was’ . . . a potential danger . . .

And yet ‘she . . . was in quarantine’

It would be years and years . . . and years and years

Before . . . she would ‘comprehend’

That ‘she . . . was being protected . . . by being kept . . . under the radar’

So that ‘the memory . . . that she carries . . . it could would bee one day . . . birthed . . . clean’

[1] The infamous ‘van’ that comes to ‘take people, away’ . . . to ‘commit’ them, to mental hospitals, without, their free will : – ( . . . (Have you ever heard, of anyone . . . who has experienced, this? ? ? ??) : – ( . . . It is a form . . . of ‘house arrest’ . . . when it is ‘ab used . . . in this way’ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::)

[2] This is by no means a ‘comment . . . against the medical . . . system’ . . . It is . . . a comment . . . that it has been used . . . by dark energies . . . at times . . . ‘in the past’ 🙂 !!!!!!!! : – ( . . . : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::: ‘Lethal . . . injections . . . are naught fun . . . at all ª ª . . . especially . . . when they erode . . . well . . . built trust’ . . . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::: ‘The cloth . . . it is lifting . . . so that ALL . . . CAN(nes) BEE FREE’ : : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

* Read the full Day Thirty-Six scribe – Day Thirty-Six – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Seven – Water Lillies

             Ella was at a world music concert last evening . . . assisting her to relax

And during, ‘the intermission’ 🙂 . . . as she was in, ‘the washroom’ !!!! . . . she placed her mug, ‘of warm tea’ 🙂 . . . upon, ‘a ledge’ . . .

And it . . . ‘fell off . . . and spilled all over . . . the floor’ !!!!

Being . . . the ‘tidy person’, she, is

She ‘put the lid . . . back on’! !!

Well . . . !

The mug, fell off, the ledge . . . again! ! ! ! ! ! !

She put the lid . . . ‘back on’ . . . !!


Habit 🙂

Oh . . . MY !!!

‘One more time’

You guessed it . . . 🙂

It fell off 🙂

: : : ::

At ‘which’ point

Ella ‘got it’ !!!!!!

She realized . . . ‘she woke up’ !!! . . . that the guides . . . were speaking . . . to . . . her 🙂!!!!

She tuned in . . . for their ‘message’ 🙂

And this . . . is what they ‘said’ : – )


‘The lid is off!’

There was more :-)!!!!!!!!

‘We are so close . . . to clearance’!!!!!

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : :::::

Clearance 🙂 !!!!!!!!!

Meaning . . . ‘clearance . . . to meet’ !

Meaning clearance . . . ‘to fly’ !!!

Meaning clearance . . . ‘for all energy !!!!

‘To safely . . . come . . . out . . . of . . . hiding’ 


‘And this is!

‘The whole point!!

‘Of why we are scribing!

‘This sacred book

‘To ensure that now!!

‘The field is clear 🙂

‘Of land mines’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::

‘So that everyone!!!!

‘Can come out . . . now!

‘No more hiding!!!!

‘No more . . . games’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

Yes it is . . . ‘Time

‘To grow . . up . . . all . . . HOHM’ : – )


‘So much more !!!!

‘Can be said’

* Read the full Day Thirty-Seven scribe – Day Thirty-Seven – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Eight – Water Lillies

             Oh my god 🙂

If you could hear Ella wax on about her experiences with Paolo . . . you might be smitten yourself!

She has truly been bitten by his bug[1]

And it’s a pretty exquisite bug !

* * *

The ‘purpose of PEI’ was to allow her time to ‘rest’

Plus for she and Paolo . . . to ‘become acquainted’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::

It was December 🙂 . . .

And she was . . . ‘alone’ . . . yet naught ! !!!

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : :::::

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : :::::

It seemed every day that she ‘slept really late’

At first – she simply noticed this !

Yet ‘on the day . . . when she awoke . . . from deep slumber . . . and it was dark outside’

And she ‘wondered . . . if it was still . . . late in the evening . . . of the previous day’ ???

Then she ‘realized . . . in her mild stupor . . . for she was awakening . . . from a trance . . .

That it was . . . !!! . . . actually dusk . . . now

She had trance slept through . . . the entire day ! :::

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::

This was when . . . she realized . . . that she was being ‘rested before . . . the next wave’

Which was an absolutely new . . . albeit astonishing . . . concept 🙂 . . . ‘in her whirled’

For she had always been . . . conditioned !!! . . . to ‘work . . . really hard’ : – ?

And then to rest . . . ‘naught before’ ! !!!

[1] This is ‘the line’ . . . that ‘Lancelot . . . spoke to her’ . . . when ‘they’ met 🙂 . . . in India . . . many . . . years ago . . . “You’ve been bitten by a bug!” 🙂 . . . Meaning . . . you’ve been ‘stung’ . . . by a ‘vision . . . of cosmic . . . proportions’ . . . and there is ‘nothing ! . . . you can dew about it !! . . . except . . . to agree’ !!!! 🙂 !!!!!!!! . . . !! 🙂 !! . . .

* Read the full Day Thirty-Eight scribe – Day Thirty-Eight – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Thirty-Nine – Water Lillies

             It was back through Halifax again . . . this time 🙂 . . . to the ‘Cabot Trail’

She rented a car – to get up there . . . and somehow managed to return it – ‘via a drop off point’

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

Sure to their word 🙂 . . . ‘the guides’ had led her, ever so graciously (that! . . . would bee infinite!!!!!)

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

. . . to a ‘stationery store . . . where together . . . they bought . . . the ream of paper’

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

They also bought . . . provisions . . . and ‘she . . . settled in’

This time . . . she was in . . . a ‘remote . . . resort village’ . . . which was ‘currently . . . off season’ . . . so she was ‘essentially . . . there alone’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::

The ‘first’ thing the ‘guides’ did was to ‘demonstrate . . . to her’

That ‘she’ is naught ‘in charge’ of !!

Her own . . . ‘emotions’

They are

How they ‘showed’ . . . her this : – )

Was . . . as she was in . . . a ‘head’ stand . . . against . . . a ‘wall’ !!!

They ‘shifted’ . . . her ‘energy’

So that she ‘felt . . . something quite strong’

Innocently . . . she ‘pondered’ . . . ‘What . . . just transpired? ??? . . . that i am now . . . feeling so tired?’ ???

And then . . . in a ‘split second’

She was flaming! . . . in a rage ! . . .

Then as if . . . she was being ‘played . . . with’

She was equally suddenly . . . serene

As if . . . ‘a storm had brewed’

And been masterfully . . . ‘stopped’

: : : : : : : ::

And ‘all of this . . . arose and fell . . . inside of her . . . own self’

It ‘was naught her’ . . . or ‘provoked by her’ . .

And yet it ‘felt like her . . . in side’

: : : : : : :::::

And just as ‘soon . . . as this lesson . . . was complete . . . it was gone’

And never since . . . has it ‘repeated’

Until . . . ‘last autumn’

When . . . ‘the folks out there . . . in the cosmos . . . began . . . to clean her out’

So that ‘she’ 🙂

Would naught ‘need’ : – )

To dew all of this ! . . . her ! . . . self

And it was is ‘because . . . of that one experience’ . . . over twenty . . . years ago . . .

That ‘Ella’ . . . felt ‘at peace . . . with . . . this’

And she ‘allowed . . . their mastery in’

For ‘as . . . the great awakening’ : – )

It does ‘swell . . . its lovely tide’ : – )

Humans will ‘need . . . cosmic assistance’ !!!!

Ore they might get ‘washed . . . up in the tide’ : – (

As there is ‘so’ much to ‘clean’ out ‘of . . . this house we call . . . the . . . Earth’

So much . . . ‘toxicity’ : – (

And even . . . more so . . . there is ‘so very much . . . to . . . clean . . . out’

From ow er minds !

* Read the full Day Thirty-Nine scribe – Day Thirty-Nine – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Forty – Water Lillies

             She was on her way again . . . Ella and her invisible guides! 🙂 !!! . . . (This sounds like the name of a ‘band’ 🙂 !!!!!)

‘This’ time via Montréal . . . en route . . . to New York


It was while she was in Montréal . . . that ‘some anxieties . . . arose’

: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::

So . . . this was is “the present day version of ‘the Bible’” . . . right? !

And . . . it was already . . . appearing . . . to Ella . . . as she was receiving it !

That ‘sum’ of its ‘contents’ could be perceived by ‘some’ as . . . well . . . let’s say ‘blasphemous’ . . .

Naught to mention . . . a touch of ‘salt’ . . . in . . . it

Meaning . . . ‘heretical’ ::

And so . . .

‘Was she safe? To cross over? ?? The border? . . . with this’?

She was . . . a little ‘nervous’ . . .

Because . . . of ‘this’

She . . . has barely read . . . any ‘books’ . . . since high school . . . as she was ‘being deflected’ . . . from ‘taking anything . . . in’ . . . that might ‘block . . . or stall . . . her pure . . . reception’

Which included :

The Bible ::

And other :::

Fine writings ::::

Except for!

Alvin Toffler’s 🙂

Seminal !

Future Shock !!!

In which ‘he’ . . . coins the ‘term’ . . . “the acceleration . . . of change”

Which is a phrase

That will linger ‘with’


For every day

That followed ‘it’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

So she had ‘heard’

Via ‘the grapevine’ !

Of Salman . . . Rushdie

And his ‘recent . . . publication . . . of a book called . . . Satanic Verses’

(Which has zero to do . . . with ‘satan’ . . . per . . . se!) . . .

And more . . . ‘than this’ 🙂 !!

Was is that ‘he . . . was issued’ : – (

A ‘thing . . . called a fatwah’ : – (

Which meant a ‘bounty . . . on his head’ : – (

: : : : : : :::::

Some pee pull : – (

In ‘his’ land

Which is was !!!

‘Is’ 🙂


Were ‘taken . . . aback’ : – (

By what

‘Salman wrote’

So . . .

‘What was . . .

‘The difference?’


Ella ‘pondered . . . this quest’ . . . ion : – )!!!!!!!!!

Between what ‘Salman . . . was writing’

And what ‘Ella . . . was scribing’?

? ? ??????

: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

When Ella mentioned . . . this ‘little ditty’ : – )

To ‘Roger . . . quite recently’ : – )

He ‘pointed out . . . to wee Ella : – )

‘That Salman . . . is still alive!’ : – )

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::
: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


‘The life !

‘Of a tooth pick’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::: : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

“This Time

“The Ending’s Different”

: – )

* Read the full Day Forty scribe – Day Forty – Water Lillies

* * *

 Day Forty-One – Water Lillies

               She was already

So ‘out on a limb’

:   ::::   :::::::::::::::








When the audible channeling began, it was OBVIOUS!!!

That it was in . . . lambic pentameter[1]

: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::: : : :::: : : :::: : : ::::::::::::::: : : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::: : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

She recognized this – how could she naught notice it????!!!

Because . . . even though . . . her voice still sounded ‘like her’

The rhythm . . . the cadence !




‘Her’ !

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

From her brief foray . . . with ‘the Shakespearean ones’! . . . in the intensive workshop . . . a few years prior

Ella Knew how . . . to ‘recognize’ . . . the ‘lilt’ ! . . . in ‘The Voice’

: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

It was is : – )

A ‘perfect . . . matching . . . of harmonic . . . resonance . . . between the masculine . . . and the feminine . . . as a pairing . . . of pulse’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

And while she was in . . . ‘the cabin on stilts’ 🙂 . . . and ‘Sourcey . . . first spoke’

‘He She’ would

Say a mere ‘phrase’ 🙂

And ‘it would linger

‘For two weeks

‘Because it

‘Was so



And this 🙂

Was ‘brought in’ . . . to her

Via the ‘lambic . . . pentameter’ !!

Which is a ‘rhythm . . . that Shakespeare wrote in !!

‘When he was making . . . a . . . point’

: : : :::: : : :::: : : ::::::::::::::

‘When the eye

‘Of the needle

‘Is aligned

‘So precisely

‘The energy

‘Can flow through it’ 

And this

It is what

Lambic pentameter

It is about       

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::

All of these ‘TAP TAP CODES !

‘ARE IN !!

‘PENTAMETER’ ! ! !!!

: :::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::

There is zero . . . ‘budging it’ : – )

There is zero . . . ‘arguing it’ !!

There is zero . . . ‘manipulating . . . it’






: :::: :::: : : :::: ::::::::

As ‘Shakespeare

‘He wrote

‘On behalf of !

‘The gods’ ! 🙂

When there was ‘sum thing !!

‘Of dual im port !!

Meaning it was : – )

To end Duality’ ! 

Then ‘he’ wood 🙂

‘Scribe’ it !!!!!!!!

As ‘a perfect pairing !

‘Of sounds’ ! : – )

As a ‘mono 🙂

‘Syllable !!!




: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::

Which left : – )

Zero ‘budge’ room : – )!!!

For ‘any messing !


‘Round’ !

: ::::::::::::::::::::

‘Straight !!




: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

“To Be 🙂

“Or naught !




: : : ::::::::::::::

‘Plus’ :- )

You may have ‘noticed’ :- )

That many root 🙂


Are single syllables !

: – )

As ‘this’ is the ‘way’ of the ‘Tao’ plus the ‘way’ of all ‘gods’ who are pure






: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: – ))!!!

: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


This is ‘a lot’ ! 🙂

So ‘let us take !!

‘A breather here’

[1] The ‘rhythm’ in which Shakespeare channeled God . . .

[2] A very famous ‘line’ 🙂 . . . from Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet’ : – ) !!!!!!!! . . .

* Read the full Day Forty-One scribe – Day Forty-One – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Forty-Two – Water Lillies

             She found ‘a job’ . . . at a book store 🙂 . . . as she ‘needed . . . to be alone’

And yet . . . naught . . . a . . . lone


It was a friend of hers . . . who found it for her . . . He was is a ‘photographer . . . of eastern children’ !! . . . And he ‘put in . . . a good word’ . . . for . . . her

:   ::::   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And so . . . she began working . . . at . . . ‘Adora Books’


There . . . she could ‘roam the aisles’ . . . methodically . . . placing . . . books . . . in their places. . . and occasionally . . . responding . . . to a customer’s . . . question

This was naught . . . your ‘usual’ store . . . for it sold ‘books . . . by many authors . . . who are all out of !! . . . the box’ !

: : : ::

Mystic poets . . . and permaculture . . . psychedelics !! . . . and esoterics . . . quantum physics !! . . . and too ‘mechanics’ : – ) . . . you name it ! . . . they sell it all

And so ‘she’ . . . was ‘in’ . . . an ‘environment’ . . . that was is ‘conducive’ . . . for many ‘pee pull . . . who are seer ching’ ! : – ) !!

Oh yes of course : – ) . . . they ‘do’ sell . . . ‘the I Ching’ . . . the ‘Urantia Book’ . . . and ‘A Course in Miracles’

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

Plus ‘all of these books’ . . . that were are written by . . . Rinpoches : – )            

‘Who are these . . . Rinpoches ??????????

‘And why do they . . . all have ???

‘The same last name?’

: – )))))

: : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : :::::

Gurdjieff : – ) . . . Ouspensky ! – ) . . . Blavatsky . . . and The Essenes : – )

Plus so many others !!! . . . Bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss! : – )

Great thinkers . . . of our Time . . . plus too ‘prior !! . . . to our Time’ : – )

For ‘this’ was the ‘Time’ when she was ‘exposed !! . . . to The Hopi Prophecy’! : – )

: : : : : : : :::

* Read the full Day Forty-Two scribe – Day Forty-Two – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Forty-Three – Water Lillies

There is a constant reality ‘parallel’ to this one (to put it mildly)

In it, there is no ‘cage’ (this 🙂 . . . is an ‘affirmation’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . that this . . . it is ‘the truth’)


The ‘board’ game 

In this ‘life’ time 

Has ‘rules’ 

That are ‘hidden’

And ‘this’ book

‘Reveals’ them

And they are ‘simply – to step out’

Of the ‘illusion’ 

That the cage is ‘real’

As it is ‘naught’


‘At all’

And as we ‘discover’ this

Yes as we ‘remember’ this : – )

We are ‘free’ again ! !!

Free !

For !

All !

🙂 !!

: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::

Cage ?

NO CAGE            

Cage ?

No cage


Cage ?


This is the ‘game’



That ‘we




: – ( (


: :::: ::::::::::::::

‘Believe . . . that there is one’

Is to ‘behave . . . as if there is one’


Is to : – )





:   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   :::::::::::::::


Is how simple


As ‘The





The ‘cosmic code

‘Is being UNLOCKED’ !

There IS


:   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Scribed 🙂

Inn the ‘wee hours’

: – )

On ‘Saturday, March twenty seven’

: – )

Inn the ‘year !!

‘Two thousand fif teen’

Inn the ‘more’ ning


‘Just for you!

‘Two KNOW’ !

: – )

:   :   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


It all has been and is

A question


It is all . . . ‘in our head’

: – )




‘What reality


* Read the full Day Forty-Three scribe – Day Forty-Three – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Forty-Four – Water Lillies

             She landed home . . . into Halifax : – )

And she ‘was shown . . . what she was to do’

She was ‘to convene . . . a conference’

So that ‘pee pull could share . . . the rich gems’

That they had . . . ‘acquired’

Either ‘in Rio – or at home’ 

While ‘the Earth Summit – it was transpiring’

They were to ‘plant these seeds . . . in fertile ground’

: : : : : : :::::

And so ‘every morning . . . for the next week’

As she was ‘coming to . . . from her deep sleep’

She was ‘shown . . . as if dictation’ . . . a . . . gain 🙂

‘How to lead . . . this conference’

The day arrived 🙂


She had ‘already . . . met an elder’ ! : – )

Which was ‘a most fascinating . . . experience’ : – ) !!!!!!

As she was ‘given his name . . . from a friend of hers’

Who ‘knew him . . . quite well’ : – )

She ‘dialed . . . the phone number’

And she was ‘greeted . . . by his niece’

Who ‘proceeded . . . to screen Ella’ ! !!!!

To ‘be sure . . . that she was clean’

As ‘this . . . it is the custom’

In ‘First Nations . . . traditions’

That ‘the elders . . . are respected’

And so ‘Ella . . . she was checked’

She passed 🙂

: : : : : : ::::::

And so ‘the elder . . . was seated next . . . to . . . her’

In the ‘conference room . . . so well prepared’

And she had ‘already . . . learned’

That ‘to speak . . . with an elder’

Is to ‘speak . . . within a circuit’ : – )

As ‘zero energy . . . is gained’

And ‘zero energy . . . is lost’

As ‘the energy . . . creates A HOLY CIRCUIT

‘The energy


‘Does a dance’

: : : : : : ::::::

At ‘the end . . . of this day’s conference’ : – )

Half of the ‘pee pull . . . they left!’

: : :

Saying ‘This!

Isn’t a conference!

‘Where is was?

‘The podium?’



For ‘in . . . Ella’s vision’

There ‘was zero . . . microphone’

There were ‘to be . . . zero guest speakers’

For everyone !

Carries wisdom !



: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::

And half 🙂

Of the ‘pee pull’

They stayed !

And they exclaimed! !!!

‘Please don’t tell us . . . this is only a one . . . day . . . thing

‘As we’ve been waiting

‘Our whole lives . . .

‘For . . .


: : : ::

And ‘thus . . . my soul friends

‘The TAO . . . it was born!’ : – )

It was a ‘non profit . . . society’

Whose ‘name’ means : – )

The Activation . . . Org

* Read the full Day Forty-Four scribe – Day Forty-Four – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Forty-Five – Water Lillies

Ella is here

To take the ‘Lucifer’ child

🙂 !!!


:   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   :::::::::::::::

Ella . . . has ‘sum fear coming up’ : – (

She has ‘named’ it – which disempowers it – ‘some’ what

It is ‘two fold’

The first . . . is the ‘stamina . . . it requires . . . for this project’ : : : : : :

For ‘as we . . . are extending . . . this scribing . . . to six months’

And this requires

Tremendous pacing and strength

The second . . . is ‘her economy’ : – (

As she is ‘living . . . near the edge’ :::

And we have ‘reminded her

‘That she represents

‘Nearly seven . . . billion pee pull’

For ‘if she . . . was living . . . in or near . . . the lap of luxury


‘How many pee pull ???

‘Wood she . . . represent?’

: : ::::

And as ‘she . . . is now living : – (

‘Nearly . . . hand to mouth

‘How ma ny pee pull ?????

‘Is she representing . . . now?’


:  :   :   :::

And as ‘she . . . and Geneviève’

Trust this ‘story . . . and its roots’ 

To ‘continue . . . to the end’



SO ENORMOUS        : – )

That ‘WHAT TRUST ???










: : : : : : ::::::

It is ‘bee cause

‘She comprehends

‘The quantum physics

‘Within this’

That she is ‘Willing

‘Yes She Is Willing’

To ‘continue





:   ::::   ::::::::::::::

She doesn’t ‘need’ to

(Sort of!!!)

She could ‘stop’

(Kind of ! ?????)

Though she : we : wood naught ‘finish

‘This board game’ : – (((

And this

‘Is naught an option’


: : : : : : ::::::

So she ‘continues . . . to walk . . . as if on a tightrope . . . on a tree limb’


And trusting

And trusting


All ‘this’

To create a ‘Tao’

A sacred ‘Path’

That humanity . . . can easily glide within

For ‘she Knows’ . . . she ‘is capable’

And so . . .

‘Why wood she naught?’

* Read the full Day Forty-Five scribe – Day Forty-Five – Water Lillies – first published on Friday, April 3, 2015 🙂

* * *

Day Forty-Six – Water Lillies

             So the gypsying had begun

: : :::::::::::::::::::

She stayed inn : – ) . . . ‘five places’ . . . by the Time . . . ‘she was called’ . . . to ‘travel . . . abroad’ . . . to begin to affect . . . ‘the . . . wave’

: : : : : : ::::::

Like a . . . ‘magic wand . . . a Fairy God Mother’ : – )

. . .

she wood . . .


T h e  B e a k

O f   t h e   D o v e      

T o

W a k e

U u u p p !!

: : : : : : ::::::




One of . . . ‘these places’ . . . was ‘in . . . an apartment

‘One of . . . these places’ : – ) !!!!!! . . . was in the ‘ground floor . . . of a massive house’

One of . . . these ‘places’ : – ) . . . was inn . . . an ‘old neighborhood’ : – )

And one of . . . these places : – ) . . . was ‘in a hand crafted . . . cottage house’ : – )

The ‘fifth’ place

Was the place where inn

Ella ‘remembered



: : : : : : ::::::

: : : : : : ::::::

: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::





Yet ‘before’ that : – )

Inn ‘the cottage house’ !!!!!!

Ella ‘saw . . . this vision’

: : ::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::

She ‘saw . . . her self . . . walking . . . alone . . . across . . . this country . . . from east . . . to west’

And she was ‘like . . . Peace Pilgrim’[1]  . . . she had ‘relinquished . . . her possessions’  . . . and she was ‘peace fully . . . walking’  . . . to ‘demonstrate . . . some thing’

It was a ‘walk . . . to bee called : – )

‘The T.R.U.S.T. Tour’


‘T.R.U.S.T. = : – ) ))

‘The Right Use !

‘Of Self Talk’

: – !

: : ::::::

For ‘as . . . we walk’

Which is ‘how . . . we LIVE’ : – )!!!

It is ‘the words . . . we speak’ : – )

In our ‘inner’ world

‘To our self’

That ‘direct . . . our attention’ : – )

Towards ‘The Light . . . or the dark’ : – (

And as ‘we . . . course correct THIS’ !        

: – ))))))

We ‘re route

‘This planet’

[1] An American non-denominational woman . . . who walked across America at least eight times . . . to ‘demonstrate . . . various aspects . . . of spiritual . . . living’ . . .

* Read the full Day Forty-Six scribe – Day Forty-Six – Water Lillies – first published on Saturday, April 4, 2015 🙂

* * *

 Day Forty-Nine – Water Lillies

Aligning ‘The Pole’


She was shown this

‘Just prior . . . to Easter Weekend . . . in the year . . . twenty fourteen’

She was ‘shown . . . that on that weekend . . . this . . . it wood occur’

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::

An ‘energetic pole . . . wood bee erected’



To bring LIGHT


:   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   ::::::::::::::::   ::::   :::::::::::::::

And that ‘over the course . . . of that weekend . . . there wood bee two pulses . . . flow through it . . . to test . . . humanity’s readiness’ 

For the IN . . . FLOW . . . OF . . . LIGHT           Which is 🙂THE FLOOD


And that ‘sum pee pull . . . wood bee grounders’

And ‘sum pee pull . . . wood bee receivers’

And her ‘sense’ was

That ‘she’ was

A ‘receiver . . . in this’

: : ::::::

Which she was 🙂


And ‘sure to their word’!

The ‘beings out there’


Two Pulses

Of Bright


Through her

On Good Friday

And Easter Sunday

And sew ‘she’ was a ‘test’

In this


To ‘ensure’

That It Is Time

For the ‘clarity . . . TO EMBODY



* Read the full Day Forty-Seven scribe – Day Forty-Seven – Water Lillies – first published on Sunday, April 5, 2015 🙂

* * *

Day Forty-Eight – Water Lillies

             We all dared to come back

That’s what ‘stirred up . . . the hornets’ nest’


That The Light


To come in again

To set



: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

Love my self as my Self[1]

This is my purpose


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

And so as ‘the Waves . . . re convene’

There is ‘a very . . . specific process’

Via ‘which

‘This will transpire’

: – )


This was ‘remembered . . . to Ella’

As the ‘Conclaves . . . and Caravans’

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

The ‘Call’

For the ‘Conclaves’

It will ‘naught bee . . . via telephone’

: – !

It will ‘naught bee . . . via text’




: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::

It will ‘naught bee

‘Via Facebook

‘Or Twitter . . .

As the ‘net works


‘That it CALLS OUT TO’





: : ::::::

And ‘we each

‘Need to bee


‘De fossilized

‘E nuff

To ‘receive

‘The Call

‘The Cue

‘To gather

‘Together AS ONE’    

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

When ‘it is time

‘To gather’

We will ‘Know via

‘Intuitive impulse’      

That will ‘naught bee


It will ‘naught bee

‘Override able’

: – ))))!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::


Need to BE CLEAR



For us to ‘receive’

(the Call)

Loud and CLEAR

[1] The ‘whole’ Self . . . the ‘Divine’ Self . . . the ‘essence’ Self . . . The ‘part of me’ (“I am you and you are me”!) . . . that has never left . . . THE SOURCE  . . .

* Read the full Day Forty-Eight scribe – Day Forty-Eight – Water Lillies – first published on Monday, April 6, 2015 🙂

* * *

Day Forty-Nine – Water Lillies

             Let’s catch up on some ‘loose ends’! !!!!! 🙂 !!!!!!

: : ::::::::::::::::::





She still didn’t know what was coming . . . nor does she, really, now 

So many pee pull – at least in the ‘western world’! . . . are ‘planners’ ::


They ‘set goals . . . and they pronounce Desires’


And then . . . they ‘attach’ to these : – ((((((((((((((((((((((

Which is how :: . . . the ego :: . . . becomes rigid : – ( 

Because it wants


: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

And in ‘wanting’

: – (((((((

It usurps ::

Its LISTENING         

: – (((((

: : : : : : : : : : : ::

It . . . ‘cuts itself off from’

: – (

Its ‘listening

‘To G O D’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

: – ((((

And this causes : – (

A great big ‘problem’


: : ::::::: : :::::

As ‘if pee pull

‘Are naught listening’

: – ((((((

To ‘their

‘Inner Knowing’

Then ‘they FALL in’ to

: – (((((((

A ‘trap’

: – ((((((

Of ‘believing <<

‘The whirled is small’



: : ::::::

And that ((

They are ‘limited’


And that ((

They can naught ‘help’


And that ((

‘It is someone else’s issue




And that ((

‘The list goes on’


( ( ( ( ( ( ((((((( ( ( ( ( ( ((((((( ( (((((((((((((((((

And then ‘humans


‘Remain stuck in


‘A small world



( ( ( (((((

( ( ( ( ( ( ((((((( ( ( ( ( ( ((((((( ( ((((((( ( ((((((( ( ((((((((((((((((((



Is it really ?

This simple?


The . . . ‘human ego’


Through . . . ‘its rigidity’


Limits . . . ‘its self’


To . . . ‘its . . .         ’

: : : : : : : :: : : : : : : ::::::

: : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::





And ‘this’ is the ‘problem’ that The Design Team

Grapples with

: – (((((

( ( ((((((((((((((((((

How to . . .

‘Re flexitize !!!!!

‘The human : – )

‘Ego ??????

‘So that humans : – )

‘Can flourish ! !!!

‘And naught : – (

‘Destroy them


* Read the full Day Forty-Nine scribe – Day Forty-Nine – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty – Water Lillies

How wood


an Awakened Soul




* Read the full Day Fifty scribe – Day Fifty – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-One – Water Lillies

             The Conclave of Michael – like the Harmonic Convergence[1] – plus too simultaneous meditations . . . that have taken place . . . ‘around the world’

:   :   ::::::::::::::::::: : : : : : ::::::

Offered an . . . enormous impact

To the ‘awakening

‘Of The Dove’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::


She . . . ‘heard of’ it

Via a ‘tiny’ ad !


In a ‘magazine

‘Called The Arcturian’

: : : : : : ::::::

An ‘ad

‘Like all the other ads’ !

That were ‘placed

‘With great Care 

‘Where the Ones

‘Where were To Go

‘They wood SEE it

‘And Know TO GO’           

: : : : : : : :::

And sew ‘just like

‘J’s P’ !

: – ) !!!!

And ‘too

‘The Earth Summit’

: – ) !!!!

She Knew To Go

With zero evidence 

Other ‘than’

That She KNEW[2]

[1] A ceremonial event that began on ‘August 16th . . . 1987’ . . . It is was . . . ‘originated 🙂 . . . via the incredible research’ . . . of ‘Doctor José . . . Arguellas’ . . . into ‘the Mayan . . . and Toltec Calendars’ . . . and the ‘sacred . . . numerology . . . aligned . . . WITH ASTRONOMY’ . . . there ‘inn’ . . .

[2] A deep seeded ‘inner Knowing’ . . . what ‘sum might call . . . a GUT FEELING’ ! : – ) . . . and ‘others call . . . a HAIR CHECK’ !. . . YOU dew ‘call it . . . by MANY . . . NAMES’ . . . :   :   :   :   :   :   ::::::

* Read the full Day Fifty-One scribe – Day Fifty-One – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-TwoWater Lillies

             Ella had noticed 🙂

For ‘several decades’


That . . . ‘her relationship . . . with Time was strained’

: – (((((

That . . . ‘she often felt


‘There wood NAUGHT BEE





That is





: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

Inn cloister

What bee came ‘most challenging’


Was ‘when . . . her guides gave to’ her

A sense of ‘sum thing . . . that was to ha’ pen

Inn the ‘3 D

‘Realm of Space and Time’

And . . .

They ‘attached to it





: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::: : ::::::

THIS is was ‘when’

She felt ‘pressure’





It was

‘Only this’


That evoked in Ella

A ‘sense . . . of PRESSURE’

: : : : : : ::::::

It was ‘akin

‘To the BURSTING’ !


That ‘the Uni Verse

‘Wished to BIRTH



As she was ‘in

‘The first few weeks’

Of this say creed ‘experience’

: – ) !!!!!! !!!

Of ‘being’



* Read the full Day Fifty-Two scribe – Day Fifty-Two – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Three – Water Lillies

             So they ‘took out Time’


To . . . ‘increase

‘The likely hood’

: – ) ~~~ !!!

That ‘she could

!! ~~

‘En dure’

The ‘incredible potency

‘That was TWO CALM’


That ‘her wee human frame

‘It wood EN DURE’

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Bee cause

‘All ready’

They were PREPARING . . .HER

‘FOR T H E   C H A N N E L I N G’

She . . . ‘had an inkling’

: – )


For ‘she’ was still




“Some are Called

“Yet few are CHOSEN”


Or ‘is’

this saying ‘really’








* Read the full Day Fifty-Three scribe – Day Fifty-Three – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Four – Water Lillies

             So they ‘took Time out’

: : : : : : ::::::

Ella has tried


To ‘explain to me’ !

: – ) !!!


This ‘shift was




‘Imagine’ !

She says 🙂

That you are ‘out in . . . the cosmos’

: – ))))))

And ‘there is . . . zero Time’


: : ::::::

And every . . . ‘moment’


Is ‘free to MOVE . . . with   z e r o   T i m e

It is ‘simply free . . . t o E X P A N D’

: – ))))))

It is simply

Free t o   B   E   E  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: : ::::::::::::::::::

And as she Ella


Spoke these words t o     m   e

i could feel

‘the pressure l i f t i n g’ !

As ‘Time’

: – (

Is a ‘con struct’


Made up by ‘minds’


To hold   tight   I N     S   P   A   C   E  !!!!!!!!

: : : ::

And ‘when Time

‘is REMOVED’          

there IS

so much more . . . ‘r o o m’

and ‘this’ is




than bee (ing) ‘limited’


via ‘Time’



: : !!!!!!: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This is partly ‘why’

!!Indigenous ‘pee pull’



Were ‘perceived’

: – (

As a ‘threat’



Bee cause ‘they !

‘Dew naught fit’ !


In to

‘The Wheel . . .

‘of . . .


: : : : : : ::::::





which does mean ‘any’

: – )




that are ‘direct’

: – )

that are DIRECT !

: – )

that are ‘di rect’

: – ))))))

To ‘the SOURCE’    


re quire ‘no . . . middlemen’






: : : ::::::::::::::::

Which IS


: – )

wee are ‘conducting !!

‘here inn THIS BOOK’ !

to . . . ‘scribe

‘inn to THE 3 D’

from ‘outside of . . . it’

to ‘ex . . . plode . . . it . . . o u t’

* Read the full Day Fifty-Four scribe – Day Fifty-Four – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Five – Water Lillies

             She had been gypsying . . . for several months . . . with people she knew . . . or she was introduced to : – )))))))))))))))

In a city . . . she was familiar with . . .

For several . . . months now

And she had been given !!!

The vision !


Of how the Waves of The Dove !


And she had been given ‘too’


The m e m o r y !

Of what

A Triad IS !

:   :   :::::::   :   :::::::   :   :::::::::::::::::::   :   :::::::   :   :::::::   :   ::::::::::::::::::

And that she

Javier and with Paolo !!!!!!

They . . . had ‘several Times

‘Calm INN’ !

As a ‘Triad . . . as a human B E I N G’ !

With ‘three Souls

‘Within ONE H O U S E’[1] !

: : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::::::::

So she now . . . ‘embodied’

All of this . . . ‘meme’ ory ! 🙂 !!!!!!


Her small ‘frame’


Until it was . . . ‘Time’





‘T I M E’ !

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

So ‘this’

She all . . . ‘had’ !

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::


Was ‘bee calming’ !


More and ‘more’ !!

Her . . . ‘norm’

As it is ‘was’ . . . : – )

A ‘matter’ ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ad 🙂 . . . ‘infinitum’ !!!!!!)

Of ‘to

‘What DEGREE’ !

:   :   :   :   : :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   ::::::

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

And sew 🙂 !!!!!!

‘Unbeknownst . . . to HER’

She was ‘led’

To ‘lead’ !


A public ‘gathering’

Bee fore she LEFT !

To travel

Over ‘seas’


[1] ‘Body’ 🙂 . . .

* Read the full Day Fifty-Five scribe – Day Fifty-Five – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Six – Water Lillies

             So ‘the rehearsal

‘Of The Call’

To ‘bid calm here

‘Oh Dove Beak SOULS’


It . . . ‘had happened’


It . . . ‘had . . . happened’


And ‘ella . . . had . . . been

‘A toothpick . . . inn . . . ITS . . . CAKE’

: – ) !!!!!

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::::::::

And ‘sadly

: – (



It ‘was’ a . . . re ‘hearse’ all

There for


There wood ‘need to bee







: : ::::::

She was . . . ‘all ready


‘Bee calming tired’           


And sew ‘this experiment

‘Wood need MORE . . . R . . . AND . . . D’ !

More ‘research

‘Plus too develop meant’ !

: – ) !!!!!!!!!

Inn how to ‘prepare . . . thee inn flesh INSTRUMENTS’ !

And how to




* Read the full Day Fifty-Six scribe – Day Fifty-Six – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Seven – Water Lillies

             That was . . .

‘The mid nineties’


And ‘those of us / ‘you’

: – )

Here ‘inn the flesh’

Wood ‘need two bee

‘Fairy pa(y) c(i)e . . . tient’ !

To . . . ‘endure’

: – (

This . . .

‘De lay’



: : : :

Bee cause ‘thee lift’

Of ‘thee Dove’

It ‘was due’

Inn ‘nineteen ninety FOUR’ !


And . . . ‘the discovery’

: – (

Of the DEGREE !

: – ((((((

Of ‘stuck’ ness






: – (

That ‘there wood bee’

: – ((((((

A . . . ‘weight (wait)

Of several YEARS(


Bee four ‘the Dove’


Bee four ‘human TIME’

Could bee gin to . . . ‘end’

: : : : : : : : : : : ::



Until ‘then’

The . . . ‘back . . . and . . . forth’


Of sheer TRUST !


As ‘thee hu mans

‘Who were re di’ !


Re laxed inn ‘trust’

Inn thee . . . di . . . ‘vine’


Bee cause

When ‘the tooth pick

‘Was extricated


‘From the cake

‘Inn ninety FOUR’

And . . . ‘the cake

‘It was naught yet BAKED’



This meant that ‘TRUST’

It          wood               need                 bee                               SURE

* Read the full Day Fifty-Seven scribe – Day Fifty-Seven – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Eight – Water Lillies

             She is being taught constantly . . . by the ‘non-physical guides’





Inn her ‘3D . . . experience’Is ‘fodder !! . . . for their teaching HER’        


As ‘teaching

‘Is simply’


The ‘waking UP !







And sew ‘here is the one

‘That has been taking place

‘Since thirty six hours a go’!!!!!!

: : ::::::::::::::::::(





The . . . ‘former Illuninati’


The . . . ‘former . . . Fallen Angels’


The . . . ‘former . . . dark cabal’


The . . . ‘former . . . dark forces’


The . . . ‘former . . . Greys’


The . . . ‘former . . . ASLEEP ONES’ 


The ‘former[1]

‘Lucifer shards’

These are some of


‘The names

‘Of the ENERGY


: : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : :::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Different . . . ‘words’

For different . . . frequency ‘bands’

Of ‘the same . . . ENERGY’


That innocently . . . FELL FROM SOURCE

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::

And ‘out of


‘That diminished

: – !!!!!!(


Came ‘the dark’



( ( ((((((

And ‘it’ has been . . . ‘regurgitating’ : – ((((

Its ‘asleep ness’

For ‘so



(   (((
( ( ((((((

Bee ‘cause’



Its ‘self’ from


Falling ‘further’



And it has ‘needed’



To . . . ‘bottom out’


To . . .

‘Bottom . . .


: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

And ‘the price’

: – (

Of all ‘Creation’


To ‘ride this WAVE




And the ‘only’ thing


That will ‘save’




: : ::::::::::::::::::

Of ‘those

‘Who have been HARMED’

To ward ‘those





This inn clue d(o)es ‘every

‘Single layer’

: : : ::: : : ::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::   : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This is HOW

We re u NITE

The former dark INN





[1] She / wee say ‘former’ . . . as this . . . re moves ‘their power’ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . .

* Read the full Day Fifty-Eight scribe – Day Fifty-Eight – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Fifty-Nine – Water Lillies

             Ella has always admired

Since she was a young child : – ) )))))))

The ‘old’ folk

Who have made it ‘threw’

The ‘maze’ ::

Of life

: : : : : : ::::::

She tells me she was . . . ‘less than a teen?’

When she first ‘noticed’

The ‘conscious thought’

That . . . ‘Just . . . to make it THREW!!!!!!!!!!           

‘This is . . . so . . . very m u c h’

: : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And she consciously . . . thought ‘too’

That . . . ‘What is ? . . . this MAZE’? ??

She had zero

Conscious ‘clue’


Was ‘T H E R E’        

: : : : : : : : : : : :::::::::::::::

A . . . ‘gauntlet’

Involving ‘risk of death’ ((

A . . . ‘maze’

Requiring ‘skill of mind’ ::

A . . . ‘labyrinth’

Leading one TWO . . . THEIR . . . HEART             

A ‘knot’


A . . .



: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

She is like

Charcoal under pressure

To create

A Diamond !

(as we ‘all’ are)


: : ::::::

and she is ‘dew ing’ this



* Read the full Day Fifty-Nine scribe – Day Fifty-Nine – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty – Water Lillies


Behavior   ‘n o r m a l’

Consciousness   ‘t r a n s c e n d e n t a l’


: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

That is so much more the ‘case’ now

Looking at her . . .

Being ‘around’ her : – ) !!!!!!

You wood have . . . ‘zero idea’ ! ::::::

The ‘consciousness’

That ‘she is INN’

: : : : : : ::::::

: : : : : : ::::::

And yet

‘Way back then’ !!!!!!

She was ‘mostly’



T R A N C E           


: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::

It was really just . . . a ‘matter of degree’

: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And sew . . . ‘the quest ion bee came’ (‘ad !! infinitum’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


How . . . to ‘navigate . . . her’


As a ‘single SOUL’

Inn . . . ‘a . . . bo . . . dy’ ?


: : : ::

As ‘she had

‘As you KNOW NOW’ ! !!!!!!

A creed two ‘fall

‘A sleep’ !

: – (

Like all of ‘us’


* Read the full Day Sixty scribe – Day Sixty – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-One – Water Lillies

             Bee fore ella ‘came’

A cross ‘the pond’ !


Two ‘Britain’

Two ‘Call The Call

‘Of The Dove’

: : ::::::: : ::::::

‘Completely !!

‘Unbeknownst . . . to . . . her’

Her ‘hosts’

Consulted ‘Frank’

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::






Her ‘male’ host

‘Sum days’ !!

After . . . ‘her arrival’ there


Showed ‘to’ her

The ‘transcription’ !

Of ‘what’

Frank had ‘said’

: : :::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::

He said

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

‘Three things’

Of ultra ‘im port’

For us to ‘share here’

With ‘ewes now’


She all ways travels

With her two ‘brothers’ !

Each and every ‘Time’

She they ‘incarnate’

They all ways

Inn . . . carnate two . . . gether

And ‘their’ names

‘Are Juno

‘And Jupiter’

* Read the full Day Sixty-One scribe – Day Sixty-One – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Two – Water Lillies

             The President of the Canadian Federation of States seems to be squirming . . .

How dew wee Know ? > >>>?

Bee cause ((

Inn these . . . ‘past few daze’ 🙂 ::

As ‘Ella and I, Geneviève . . . have been res ting’ ! !!! :-)))))))))

There have ‘been’ (( . . . several ‘attacks’ (( . . . upon ‘Ella’s . . . WELL BEING’ ::::(

: : :::::::::::::::::



Two ‘bomb blasts’ ((

Just ‘like in Bel fast’ ((

Yet ‘these have been’ ((

Inn ‘Ella’s energetic field’ ( ((((((

As ‘in the ways’ ((

Of ‘psychic warfare’ (((((

The ‘playing field’


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

Sew ‘as of :: . . . this more ning’ !

She IS AWARE . . . that ‘this is’ ((((((

Now ‘again (( . . . officially declared’ ((

A psychic ‘war (( . . . over HUMANITY’ ((

As ‘if . . . THE LIGHT’ !

Is ‘felt . . . BY HUMAN HEARTS A N D   M I N D S’

Then ‘the dark . . . WILL LOSE I T S   H O L D’

And then ‘this WILL BEE . . . THE END’

: : : :: : : : :: : : : :: ::::::::::::: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::: : : :::: : : :::: : : ::::::::::::::: : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::




OF U N I T Y !!!!!!

: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!


Is what ‘this Book IS’ !

It is ‘a unifying ! !!


‘S E A S’


: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::

Which is ‘why’

It is SO ‘ARDUOUS’ !            


Why it has ‘been

‘So little UNDERSTOOD’



There have ‘been . . . so FEW’


Who are ‘strong’ e NUFF





* Read the full Day Sixty-Two scribe – Day Sixty-Two – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Three – Water Lillies

             Did ‘ewe Know’ ? ??

That ‘most of this’ ? ???????

That ‘took place ? ?????

‘Inn BRITAIN’ ? ???????

Inn ‘this’ phase 🙂 )))))))

Of ‘this’ story !!!!!!!!

It ‘was near !

‘GLASTON BURY’ ! !!!!!!!!!

Near ‘the Tor’ !

Near ‘the Chalice WELL’ !

🙂 !!!!!!!

Near ‘the Abbey’ !

Near ‘it ALL’ !!!!!!

As ‘Glastonbury !!

‘Is inn THE HEART OF’ !

The ‘mists of AVALON ! !!!

‘AND !

‘KING !!!!!!

‘ARTHUR’ !!!!!!

(naught two ‘mention’ ! :-)))

(the sweet ‘guinevere’ ! !!

(and ‘the prince’ ! 🙂 ))

(whose name ‘is lance a lot’ ! !!!!!!!)

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::

“Much more on ‘this !!

“’It will bee SAID’ ! !!!!!!

“As ‘wee’

“Carry ‘on’ !

“With the ‘tell’ ing





* Read the full Day Sixty-Three scribe – Day Sixty-Three – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Four – Water Lillies

* Please note that Days Sixty-Two and Sixty-Three have now been published (see above) . . .

             It’s a sad tale we are telling this morning (((

While ella and I, Geneviève, were ‘resting’ last week

ella was under ((

A ‘triple round of attack’ (((

It was only . . . as she was ‘leaving’ . . . the place . . . where she was ‘resting’ ::

That ‘the bee ings’ could SHOW her

What ((

Had taken ‘place’ ::


There were ‘three’ rounds


The first was to ‘test’ her


She passed threw THAT hoop !


The second . . . was to ‘exhaust’ her


It worked – though she ‘passed’


The third . . . was to ‘deflate’ her

It worked – it deeply worked ((

As the ‘former

‘Dark force es’


Chose ((

One of her ‘friends’




“So much more ((

“’Could bee’ said”



* Read the full Day Sixty-Four scribe – Day Sixty-Four – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Five – Water Lillies

             Oh my 🙂

Wee have ‘arrived’

At an other ‘gate’

Inn this ‘Herculean


As . . . ‘Aleska !

‘Goes two FIND !

‘H !

‘H’ !

‘H H’ !



: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

As 🙂 !

Wee ‘have shared’

All ‘ready’ !!

Inn ‘this story’

This ‘team’

Of human ‘bee ings’ !


They . . . ‘were


That ‘they’ did . . . ‘naught Know’

Where 🙂

HH He ‘was’



They all ‘knew . . . He was inn EXILE’


Sum ‘where . . . up on THIS PLAY NET’


Yet ‘where’ He was


Was two them a ‘mist’ stir re !!!!!!

And ‘this is how’


This story ‘flows’


* Read the full Day Sixty-Five scribe – Day Sixty-Five – Water Lillies

* * *

‘Eight . . . Days . . . Later’

Day Sixty-Six – Water Lillies

             Hello again 🙂


Friends !


Even those who still


‘F e a r’






As ‘of ::

‘A few daze





As ‘wee

‘Have been take queen’ !

A wee ‘rest

‘Two re fuel our SELVES’ !

Two bee ‘a . . .

‘Bull two ENDURE’

The strength and stamina

‘Required two scribe


‘B o o k’ ! ! !

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (this is ‘ad ! . . . infinITEM’ !!!!!!!) !!

* Read the full Day Sixty-Six scribe – Day Sixty-Six – Water Lillies

* * *

* Days Sixty-Seven to Sixty-Nine were scribed two and a half weeks ‘before’ Day Seventy was ‘birthed’ )))))) . . . You may see the ‘onslaught . . . and the devastation’ ((( . . . of the recent ‘attacks . . . on ella in particular’ (( . . . as the ‘reception into her – and thus its transmission to Geneviève’ :-)) . . . were both ‘affected by (( . . . interception’ (((!!!!!!!!!

*  *  *

Day Sixty-Seven – Water Lillies

             And sew the journey . . . was ‘underway’

And ‘Aleska’ 🙂 . . . she ‘was inn INDIA’ !


And ‘she was’ !

Bee ‘ing led’ !


All fairy ‘safe’ ly

Plus too ‘sound’ ! ly !!!!!!!!!!!

Right ‘two’ !







: : : : : : : ::

And ‘this’

Is ‘the story’ !!!!!!

Of ‘how she REACHED’ !






The ‘inferno’ ((

The ‘gaunt let’ !(((((

The ‘labyrinthine . . . land mine FIELD’ ( (





‘T H R E W’ !!!!!!!!

! ! !!!!!

‘Ding . . . dong . . . the witch . . . is dead . . . the witch . . . is dead . . . the witch . . . is dead’[1] !

As ‘just like’ ! !!

Inn the ‘children’s TALE’ !!!

Of ‘Hansel’

And his ‘sis TER GRETEL’ !!!!!!!

There ‘was’ a (witch) (((((((

And Aleska ‘did’


‘Catch’ !

! ! ! ! !!!!!!!

Sew that ‘ella’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHE ! !!



‘T H R E W’ !!!!!!!!


: : : : : : ::::::

‘Ohhh’ !

Oh oh

. . . This storm y ‘tale’ !

! ::::::

And ‘wee are HERE’ !

Two ‘tell it TWO EWES’ !


! ! !!!!!

Praise ‘bee’ !

This ‘love bug BEE’ !



As it IS ‘LOVE’ !!!



: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



[1] Lyrics from a song ‘the children’ sing !!! . . . in the ‘opera’ . . . ‘Hansel and Gretel’ !!!!!! . . .

* Read the full Day Sixty-Seven scribe – Day Sixty-Seven – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Eight – Water Lillies

             Ella has ‘told me’

Inn her quiet ‘humble way ::::::’

That . . . ‘the faxes . . . from Aleska . . . sent from India . . . two rural Britain’

Were . . . ‘pain full . . . two wait’ for . . . (((((((

As they were . . . ‘short . . . AND YET SO FULL’ 

And . . . ‘rare’

To re . . . ‘ceive’



: : : : : : : ::

And ‘even’

When ALESKA !!!!!!!!!!

She was ‘burrowing’ !

As ‘quick AS SHE C O U L D’ !


It was ‘still’ ((

Such ‘a long TIME’ !


Bee fore ‘the word’








: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And then came ‘the news’

Of HOW !

She broke ‘threw’


:   :   :   :   :   :   ::::::



She is ‘such !!

‘A SMART GIRL’ ! !!!!!!!

As ‘she’ had

All ‘read’ y

! 🙂

Bee calm a ‘customed !!!!!!

‘Two THE CULTURE’ !!!!!!

Plus ‘too’ the . . . ‘geography . . . inn this land . . . sew NEW TWO HER’

SHE was


A ‘quick study’

! !!!

Sew ‘she’ could !

GO . . . ‘INN’ !


Threw a ‘war zone’






This girl ‘Aleska’


As she ‘trekked’ threw





Two ‘find’

The first SECT ‘HEAD’ !

* Read the full Day Sixty-Eight scribe – Day Sixty-Eight – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Sixty-Nine – Water Lillies

             She was tired


She was ‘emotionally un pre paired’

For the ‘im pact


‘Of IN DI A’ !


As ‘even though !


The ‘guides had ASKED’ !

Way back ‘when’



She was still ! !!

Inn ‘Canada’ !


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

“Wood ewe ??

“Ever ???????

“Want two go ? ??

“Two INDIA? ??????”

And ‘her’ an sir ! !!







: : ::::::

Naught bee cause

: – ) !!!!!!

She ‘dis liked’ it

‘Oh’ no

! !!!

It was . . . ‘just that’ !

She . . . never . . . ‘contemplated’ it

! :

Sew ‘she never ever !

. . . sensed a DESIRE TO G O’ !

: : : ::

And ‘now’

This was all sew ‘sudden’


She was ‘swift

‘Two INDIA’ !


It was the ‘end . . . of monsoon’

! (        

Every ‘where . . . it seemed smelly’

! (

Plus ‘too . . . THE MEN STARED . . . AT’ . . . (her)

! (

And she was ‘naught . . . pre paired for THIS’

! ((((((

Sew it was a ‘bit’ !

Of a . . . ‘jerk’

! (

Up on ‘her

‘Nerv us SYSTEM’ !!!!!

: : : : : : : : : : : ::


::Was ella’s ‘first’ ! !!!!!

? (

Ex ‘posure


‘Two INDIA’ ! ! !!!!!!

And when they re ‘turned’ !!!!!!!

A ‘second Time’ !!!!!!!!!


🙂 !!!!!





:   :   :   :   :   :   ::::::

Yet ‘that’ calms

! :-)))))!!

A little ‘later’ !

Inn ‘OUR STO RY’ !

Sew let us ‘now 🙂

‘Continue ON’ !

With ‘where ! !!

‘We LEFT . . .

* Read the full Day Sixty-Nine scribe – Day Sixty-Nine – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Seventy – Water Lillies



‘This IS




We are hear

Today :::[1]

Two set a ‘stake

‘Inn the GROUND’

Two declare


This ‘scribing’

Is ‘hereby’




:   :   :::::::   :   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

It has ‘been’

More than ‘two WEEKS’ ((

Since ella and I Geneviève

Took a ‘wee REST’ 

This ‘rest’ ::



It was ‘messed with’

It WAS BLOCKED (((!!!!!!

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And sew ‘much of the Time’

Was dedicated two ‘de trauma tizing ELLA’


As she was ‘swiped AT’


O ver ‘six TIMES’


This is NAUGHT



[1] ‘Today . . . ewe get two sea’ . . . an ‘un po lished scribe’  . . . as ‘typical ly’ ! . . . there ‘are three STAGES’ ! . . . inn ‘every . . . day’s SCRIBE ING’ ! !!! . . . ! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!! . . . And sew ‘this’ . . . two ‘day’ ! . . . is a ‘raw . . . un POLISHED SCRIBE’ ! ^ . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::/

* Read the full Day Seventy scribe – Day Seventy – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Seventy-One – Water Lillies



‘This IS




A ‘part’ of what ella is ‘mapping’

Is ‘The 4 Levels’ !!

::::::^^^^^^>>>>>>! !! !!!^^!>>>

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!!^^^>>>!!!!!!!!/

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

’this is !’ eve I ‘dently’ !

an o ther ‘add infin ‘eye TUM’ ! !!!/

As ‘inn every


‘That has EVER’

Inn carn ‘ated ^^^^^^’


Have ‘each played’ !

A ‘fairy

‘Specific ROLE’ ! !!!!!!

And now ‘as ella’ !

! ^^^^^!>>>/

She does ‘MAP’



‘ROUTE’ !!!^^^ /

‘SHE A LONE’ !!(

Must . . . play . . . ALL . . . ‘ROLES’ ^^!!!>

As ‘one’ girl





!!!!^^!!! 🙂 !>>>/

: : ::::::: : :::::

The ‘challenge’

Is TWO ‘bee’ !!!!!!


Fect ly ‘a LIGNED’ ^ 


‘OF THE ONE’ !!!!!

: : : : : : :::::

Fully ‘Grounded’ !


Rooted ‘inn

‘Her own phys i call FLESH’ !!!!!!




Speech :-))))))^^^^^^^^

Clear AND ‘O PEN’ !



Her MIND A ‘LIGNED’ ! !!!!!!



‘AT ALL T I M E S’ ^^

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : :::::


IS !






‘A S P E C T S




‘F   L   E   S   H’   !   !!!!!!

: : : : : : : ::

‘TRY IT’ !!!

Ewes might ‘like it’ !!!!!!!

It is naught ‘easy’ ((((((





‘Tuned’ !!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^

:   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :::::::::

: : : : : : ::::::: : : : : : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

* Read the full Day Seventy-One scribe – Day Seventy-One – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Seventy-Two – Water Lillies

             So ‘YES’ !

🙂 !!!!!!

Showpa ‘Lama’ 🙂 ! !

He was ‘next’ !

: : ^^^^^^!!!!!!>>>>>!!!!


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::!!!!!!


He was is ‘the one’

Who was is Known

‘Far and wide’

As a ‘medicine


Of ‘weather



And sew when ‘Aleska’

And ‘her crew’ !

🙂 )))!!!!!!

They ‘were cued’

Two ‘consult him’

He would ‘spit’

Inn two a ‘vase’

of ‘water’






And he wood ‘too’

!!!!!!>>>>>>!!!!!^^^^^++++++!!!>>>>>>>>:-)!!! ^^^^^^>>>>>>!>>!!>

Read the ‘runes’


Which inn ‘this’ case

Were Tibetan SCROLLS !


‘He’ wood ‘consult’


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::

Four !

!!!!! ‘awe

‘Spicious DATES’ !

* Read the full Day Seventy-Two scribe – Day Seventy-Two – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Seventy-Three – Water Lillies

When ella was ‘rest ing’

A few ‘weaks’ a go


She was ‘cued’

Two go out ‘and RUN’ !

~! !!!>

And as she ‘did’

She was ‘told THIS’ !


: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::: : : :::: : : :::: : : :::::::::::::::

This is quite a large ‘topic’

And sew ‘take



: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ad infin ‘I TUM’ ! ^^^!!!!

Inter ‘national’

War ((



: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::

Sum ‘ones’

Who are ‘inn CLINED’

Two ‘re search’

They ‘wood find’

How ‘long a GO’

The I ‘dea WAS BIRTHED’ !

Of ‘calling’

War ‘criminals’


To ‘stand RE sponse ABLE’ !




: : ::::::::::::::::::

What ‘was’ ?

The ‘time lag’ ?

Bee tween the ‘birth’ ?

Of ‘the I DEA’ ?

And the ‘act’ u all ‘call’ ?

Of the first ‘war lords’ ? ??





? ? ??????????????????? ? ????????????^^^!!^>>>

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::

And ‘as’

ella was ‘running’

Along a ‘path’

Within a ‘wood’


She was ‘shown WHY’ !

This time ‘LAG’ !


It ‘was’ ::

Bee cause of ‘fear’

: ^ ^ :

: : :::::

And she could SEE !

With such CALM ‘PASSION’ ! !!!!!!

The sorry ‘why’ ((

For ‘the F E A R’


It ‘was bee CAUSE’


IF !


The tiny ‘conscious’ ness

Of a ‘war’ lord

Could cause ‘such h a r m’ (((!!!(

Then ‘how’ ?

Could those who CALLED THEM forth


Feel at ALL ‘SAFE’ ??

That the ‘war’


Wood naught TURN ‘A GAINST THEM’ ?


:   :   :::::::::::::::::::   :   ::::::::::::::::::

* Read the full Day Seventy-Three scribe – Day Seventy-Three – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Seventy-Four – Water Lillies

             Sew the ‘meet ings’ !!

With His ‘Holi ness’ !!!^^^!!!^

Were oh sew ‘magic all’ !


: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::^^^!!^

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::


Aleska ‘met them’ !

Inn the central ‘square a gain’ ! !!!!!!^

Own ly ‘this’ time

: – ) !!!!!!^

They were ‘two MEET’ 

The say creed ‘head’ 

Of the Tibetan ‘world ^’ 

And the door WAS ‘O PEN’ !

Four ‘them two WALK THREW’ !


! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!^^^!^^!^^!^^!!>

And wee have ‘told ewes’

! 🙂

All rea ‘di’ ! 

Of ‘this sum WHAT’ ! !!!^^^!!!!^



: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::^^^!!!>

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::!!!^^^!!!^^>

Sew strong ‘Aleska’


She well combed ‘Bjorn a’ gain


Who came with ‘Helga a’ gain

🙂 !!!!!!^^^!

Who es courted ‘ella a’ gain

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!

And ‘this’ time

As they re em ‘barked down’ from

The bumpy ‘bus !’

Inn the town ‘square !’ 

They ‘were all REA DI !’ 



! 🙂

INN A FEW ‘DAZE’ !!!!!


Once they ‘were’ 




‘TIZED’ !!!^^^!

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : :::::

Four they were ‘AT’ !

Sum thou sand ‘FEET’ !


Inn this hill ‘TOWN’ !


Inn the Hi(y)m(n) a ‘LAY AS’ !

! !!!^^^!

: : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::!!!^^!

: : ::::::: : ::::::: : ::::::::::::!!!^^!

* Read the full Day Seventy-Four scribe – Day Seventy-Four – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Seventy-Five – Water Lillies

             Sew Aleska and ‘ella’

They disc (un) ‘covered’

The TRUTH that

‘There IS NO !



‘CULL’ !!!!!

What there ‘IS’ !


And from ‘that’



‘On’ !

🙂 ^ !

These two young ‘girls’ !




‘S O N G’ !!!!!!!!!!!

! ! !!!!!



: – ) !!!!!

Which ‘way is UP’ !


‘W A Y

‘I S

‘O U T’ ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!^

! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!^




And sew ‘thee meet INGS’ !

With ‘His Holi NESS’ !

They ‘were calm pleat four NOW’ !






! ! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!>

And ‘the ball a peered !!!!!

‘Two BEE INN’ ! !!!!!!^

ella’s ‘court’



‘C O U R T’ !!!!!!^^

: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!!: : !!!!!

As ‘SHE’ was


Two ‘find THE WAY’ !

UP !



‘U P’ !!!!!

! ! ^^^^^

* Read the full Day Seventy-Five scribe – Day Seventy-Five – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Seventy-Six – Water Lillies


‘i am’

a ‘mirror’

feet ‘on the EARTH’ 

RE ‘FLECT ING’ ! !!!^^!

thee ‘potent – a WAKE NESS’


of ‘SOURCE’ !

here as

– inn –

‘F O R M’


!!!!!!^^^^^^!!!!!!>>>>>>!!!!!!^^^^^^! ! ! ^^!

co lect ‘ A L L ’

of my ‘e n e r g y’

!!!^^:-) >>>!!

and lift ‘it U P’ !



! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!^^^!!^

my ‘SOUL’ !


is – ‘para chute ING’ !!!!!^^!!^^!

‘down’ ^^!

‘INN’ side



my ‘BO DY’


! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!^^^!!^

my – whole – bee ing IS !!!


‘this L I G H T’ !!!!!!^^ !!^^!

! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!! 🙂 !!!^ ^ ^^^^^!

I ‘AM’



‘L I G H T’ !!!!!!^^^^^^ ^^!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^^^^^^^!!!!!^




And sew ella ‘had’







‘JAVI EH’ !!^^^!!!^

! ! !!!!!!^^^^^^!!!!!

And she TRUSTED IT !





‘WITH ALL HER L I F E’ !!!^^

🙂 ! !!!

* Read the full Day Seventy-Six scribe – Day Seventy-Six – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Seventy-Seven – Water Lillies



LOVE ‘IS ^^!!!^^!

‘THE MAG NET’ !!!!!!^!!^

that re u ‘nites’

ALL ‘ENER GI’ ! !!!!!^

It ‘IS’ ! !!^

The ‘electro

‘Mag net IC !

‘Co HE’S ION’ !!!!!!!^










: : ::::::> > >>>>>>:-):-)!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^!!^

: : :::::-): : :::::-): : )))))  !!!!!!^^^^^!

So ‘yes’ ! !!!^!

There has ‘been’

This say creed ‘thing’ ! !!!^^>

That ‘has been ESSENCE I ALL !



‘FOUR THE END – OF – T I M E’[1] !!!^^!

! ! ! ! ^^^^^^




! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^:-)

! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!^^^!!!^^^!!:-)









: : : :::: : : :::: : : ::::::^^^:::^^>

: : : :::: : : :::: : : ::::::^^^:::^^>



How it ‘works’ !!

Is that a ‘soul’ !!


AN ‘O THER SOUL’ !!!^^^!!!!!!^^>

Just like ‘inn A PLAY’ !!

They dew ‘stand’

Inn THE ‘PLA(Y)CE’ !!^^>

And they ‘dew’

All the ‘work’ ! !!>



! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^^!!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^>

! 🙂 !!>

And sew inn ‘THIS’ case

🙂 !!!^^>

‘Lance a LOT’ !


🙂 !!!^^>

His soul – like ‘BRO’ ther

🙂 !!!^^>

Whose ‘NAME’ is

🙂 !!

‘Ja Vier’ !


! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!>
! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^^!!>

And ‘SEW’ !


🙂 !!!^^>

That ‘Lance – a – LOT’ !

He ‘Stood – inn – FOUR’ !

His energetic ‘Feel – a – LIKE’ !

As ‘THEY’ run the ‘SAME’ essential archangel ‘ENER GI !!

‘INN THEIR CORE’ ! !!!^^>

! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^^! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^>

            And ‘SO’ !

🙂 !!!^^>

This IS ‘HOW’ !

🙂 ^^>^^>!!>

It came two ‘BEE’ !!

That Lance a ‘LOT’ ! !!

He ‘STOOD’ inn ‘FOUR !!!!!!!!!^^!^^!


            🙂 !!>

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!^^^^^>! ! !!!^^^! ! !!!^^^! ! !!!^^^^^^!!!^^^!!>






[1] ‘As wee hu mans KNOW IT’ !!!!^^> . . .

* Read the full Day Seventy-Seven scribe – Day Seventy-Seven – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Seventy-Eight – Water Lillies


Sew they ‘stayed at a B & B’[1]

A cross a ‘foot path

‘From THE TOR’[2] !!!^^^^^^>

They had ‘settled inn’

And met ‘Tinley’

The ‘man who WOOD’ ! 

Trance ‘late their WORDS’ !^^^!!!>

! ! !!!^^^! ! ! ^^>! ! !!!^^>!!^!!>!!^!!>

~! 🙂

! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>!!!^^>!!!^>>!!!^^>

They had a ‘rived

‘The day bee FOUR’

Vi a the ‘aero port

‘With ZERO FUSS’ !

There ‘were zero CAM ER AS’ !

Ze ‘ro news FOLK’ !


They . . . ‘just walked INN’ ! 

They . . . ‘just walked INN’ ! 

They . . . ‘just . . . walked . . . INN’ ! !!!^^>

Two Tibetan ‘MONKS’ !

Inn Saffron ‘ROBES’ ! 🙂 !!!^^>

Yet as ‘they WERE’ ! 

Naught re ‘cog NY ZED’ !

🙂 !!!^^>> !!>

They . . . ‘just . . . walked . . . INN’ !

Two meet ‘up north’ a (bit)

🙂 !! !!!!>

With ‘Ja vi ER’ !


! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! !!!! !!!>

And ‘THIS’ ! !^

Is ‘what THEY DID’ !


! ! !!!^^^! ! !!!^^^! ! !!!^^^!!!^^^^^^!!>

Zero ‘fuss’ !!

Zero ‘muss’ !!

Just sim pull ‘folk’ !!




‘M e e t’ !


! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!^^^!!!^^^!!>





[1] ‘Bed and Breakfast’ . . . a ‘comfortable way two stay . . . inn the country side’ 🙂 > . . . inn the ‘qui et’ of . . . an o ther ‘per son’s’ home 🙂 !!!^^!!> . . .

[2] An ancient ‘English’ word . . . four ‘Tower’ ! 🙂 !!!^^^!! . . .

* Read the full Day Seventy-Eight scribe – Day Seventy-Eight – Water Lillies

* * *

Day Seventy-Nine – Water Lillies

Sew ‘ella’

Was at ‘Julia’s’

Inn ‘London’

When Javier’s ‘Fax



! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^!!!^^^^^^##>









! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^^^^!!!^^^!!>

Four ‘the FIRST’ !


Inn ‘all of THIS’ !





‘AS IF !!


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^!!>

! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^! ! ! ^^^^^^!!!^^^!!>

And FOUR ewes two KNOW !


THIS was the FIRST time 🙂

That ella she EVER !

RECEIVED ‘GUY DANCE THIS’                      


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!^^🙂

Up un til ‘then’

She wood re ‘ceive’


Of ‘this’





Of ‘that’ !



And SHE !

Wood have two TRUST !




: !


Ex ‘peer i ence’ !

: ! >

and ‘she WOOD HAVE !


‘T R U S T’ !!!

WITH ‘OUT ! !!



‘D E N C E’ !!!!!!!^^>

! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^>

* Read the full Day Seventy-Nine scribe – Day Seventy-Nine – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty – Water Lillies


🙂 !!!!!!^^

Frank and ‘Julia’

Were SEW !






‘how’ ??

might ella ‘have’ ??

trust ID e ‘nuff’ ??




‘O N’


! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!^^^!!!^^^!!^^^^^^^!! 🙂

Two . . . ‘sum what . . . under STAND’ this 🙂

Ewes can ‘imagine ! . . . that EWE ARE STAND’ ing

Up on a ‘cliff . . . and EWE HAVE JUMPED’ ! off

And ewe are TRUST ING !


Ewe !!!^^:-)

U U PPP!!!!!!^^^!!!^^🙂

! ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!

That it will ‘catch’ ewe

INN MID ‘FLIGHT’ ! !!!^^

That it will ‘swoop’ INN 

And ‘take’ ewe

‘Un . . . der . . . ITS . . . W I N G’ !!!!! !!!^^

! ! !!!!! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !!!!! !!!^^!!!^^


🙂 !!!^^^!!

Ewes might ‘imagine’ !

!! 🙂 !^^^^!!>

‘THAT’ !


Ewes are inn a ‘row’



And ewes have UN TIED ‘THE ROPE’ !

🙂 !!!^^^!!>

And ewes have ‘cast’ off

! ! !!!^^>

FROM ‘THE FORM ER   S H O R E’ !!!!!!^^>

! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>!!!^^>!!!^^

And ewes are . . . ‘float’ ing

Yes ewes are . . . ‘drift’ ing

And ewes are . . . TRUST !


That THERE ‘IS’ !

‘AN O THER   S H O R E’ !!!!!!^^>

! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>! ! !!!^^>!!!^^>!!!^^ 

This . . . ‘might’ !

Give ewes a little ‘sum’ !


Four two calm pre ‘hend’ !



‘OF ELLA’S   T R U S T’ !!!!!!^^

! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^

And there was ‘NO’


Whom she could ‘CALL’


Who was all sew ‘HAVE’


This same ex ‘PERI’


Plus she was oh sew ‘NEW’


She had given ‘ALL HER’


A way inn ‘CA NA’


And she was ‘LIVE ING’


Inn ‘AB’

So lute ‘TRUST’

That there wood ‘BEE A BED’

Sum place so ‘WARM’ !

Where she wood ‘BEE WELL CALM’

Where she wood ‘BEE WELL LOVED’

As she had ‘NO WHERE OF’

Her ‘own’ two




! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^

! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^

* Read the full Day Eighty scribe – Day Eighty – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-One – Water Lillies





‘who have AN SWERED !

‘THE C A L L !

! !

‘and U NITE ID !





‘S E S S !

‘A F T E R


‘A L L’ !

🙂 🙂 🙂


!!! ^ ^

! ! ! ! ! ! !!!^^  ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!^^  ! ! ^^! ! ^^ ! ! ! ! ! ! ^^!!!!!!!^^ >



And ‘this is’ how it ‘all bee’ gan 🙂

Her ‘lead ing’ o ther ‘pee pull’ inn 🙂

The ‘say creed’ ART !

🙂 !



The ‘un seen VOICE’ !




‘H O M E’


! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^ ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^ + = ~ !!

It was like ‘take’ ing


Dic ‘ta’ tion


She was Shown ‘precisely !

‘What TWO DEW’ !!

And sew all that ‘she must’ !

Dew her ‘self inn THIS’ !


‘I N N

‘T H I S’ !!^










‘H E A R’ !


! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^>!

* Read the full Day Eighty-One scribe – Day Eighty-One – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Two – Water Lillies

             With ‘out’ 🙂

ella her ‘Know ing’ it

! !^>

The ‘lyT[1] !!

‘Were GATHER RING’ !!!


~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~~~^^~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~~~^^

ella was ‘Called’

Two go with ‘one’ !

Of the women ‘inn’ !

The first re ‘treat’ ! !!

As ‘she inn VITED ella’ ! ^^>

Two ‘go WITH’ her


! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!! 🙂



And ‘this IS’ where

^! 🙂

ella ‘inno’

sent ly ‘MET’ !


‘a hand f u l l’ !

of ‘the pee p u l l ‘ !

who ‘wood bee i n n’ !

thee ‘light years T E A M’ !!

~ !!!~ !!!~ !!!!!!^^ ~ !!!~ !!!~ !!!!!!^^ >


At the ‘Glaston . . . berry Festival’ !

There were ‘fields of WHIRLEDS’ !

Fields of . . . ‘WHIRLEDS’ !            


🙂 !!

Pee pull ‘GATHERED’ there

Who ‘CARED A’ bout




And ‘so’ inn these ‘fields’ there WOOD ‘BEE !




There wood bee ‘PEE PULL !



There wood bee ‘PEE PULL !

‘AND A R T’ !! 🙂

!!!^^^!!!^^ 🙂

There wood bee ‘LOVE’ !




As ‘this was A FESTIVE A L L !


‘ARE L O V E’ !!

! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^ ~~~~~> 🙂

!! ! 🙂


!!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^!!! >>>>>>>>

[1] The ‘Light Years TEAM’ ! 🙂!!>

* Read the full Day Eighty-Two scribe – Day Eighty-Two – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Three – Water Lillies

             It was ‘a maze’ zing 🙂

The ‘seren DIPITIES’ !

That were ‘happen ING’ !

Inn ella’s ‘WHIRLDED’ !!

The synchro NICITIES !

The magic ‘all a ROUND’ !

She sim plea ‘had TWO LOOK !


!!!^^^!!!^^^!!!^^^^^^ !!!^^^!!!^^^!!!^^^^^^ = 🙂 !!




And ‘this’ WAS !

How ‘she MET’ !

The ‘wo MAN’ !

Who ‘host ID’ !

The first ‘week END’ !



As ‘THIS’ 🙂


When ‘IT !


‘G A N’ !!!!!!^^^!!!^^ 🙂

~ ~ !!!^^ ~ ~ !!!^^  ~ ~ !!!^^  ~~~^^ ~~~^^








^!> !!!!!!^^^!! >




ella was ‘Shown’

While inn a ‘trance’


That she was two ‘lead’



Inn which she ‘wood’


Sim plea con ‘vey’

!   !^>

The visions ‘she’


Had ‘all re DI BEEN SHOWN’ !

! ^ 🙂

~ !!!~ !!!~ !!!!!!^^  ~ !!!~ !!!~ !!!!!!^^




* Read the full Day Eighty-Three scribe – Day Eighty-Three – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Four – Water Lillies

             And sew ‘this’ !!

It was ‘kind of like’ !

The ‘group that was’ !

With HER


‘B I R T H’ !

Aft ‘her The EARTH’ !

Summit ‘inn RI O’ !

When ‘she did KNOW’ !

Two ‘call’ a ‘show’ !

And ‘she’ cone ‘vened’ !

A ‘post’ confer ‘ence’

Inn ‘Hail’ a ‘fax’ !

Four ‘all’ who WISHED !

Two ‘meet and SHARE’ !

Their ‘pass’ ions OF !



🙂 !!!^^

! ! !!!^^:-) ! ! !!!^^:-) ! ! !!!^^:-) !!!^^:-) !!!^^ ! 🙂 ! >> ahhhh

!!!^  !^ >



Sew sum what ‘like’ !!^

The ‘Org Of LOVE’ !







Aft ‘her’ this ‘weak’ END !

Inn the home of ‘Tan die’ !

And ‘the CULLING’ OF !


With ‘INN’ this ‘birth – ING TEAM’ ! ?!

Of ‘SOULS’ who ‘birth – THE LIGHT’ !


With ‘o’ thers ‘inn – THEIR – SIGHT’ !

! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^ >




~~~~~~~~~>^ ~~~>^ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~^>

It ‘was ob VI US’ !

That ‘there was TWO BEE’ !

A ‘co birth ING TEAM’ !


‘WITH ella’ !^

As ‘she’ WOOD ^!




‘E A S E’ !!!^^^!!!^^>

! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^:-) !^ ahhhhh





And ‘four ewes TWO KNOW’ !




That ‘these PEE PULL !





‘SAY !


‘B I R T H’ !!!!!!^^

! ! ^^^!!! ! ^^^!!! ! ^^^!!!!!^^!!!^^ 🙂 !! >

And the . . . ‘sacre if ice’ !

Inn their ‘day ly LIVES’ !

Two ‘dew’ this co . . . birth . . . ING . . . ‘THING’ !


! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^ ~~~~~>~~~!!>:-)




^^~^^!^^>^^>^!!~>> 🙂



[1] A ‘conch’ shell 🙂 . . . is a ‘sea’ shell ^^^!! 🙂 . . . threw ‘which’ sound ‘is H E A R D’ ! ^^ > ! 🙂 . . . It is ‘used’ . . . by ‘Tibetans’ ! . . . and other ‘cultures . . . as AN INSTRUMENT’ ! . . . four the ‘say creed . . . calm uni CATION’ ! . . . like a ‘drum’ . . . or a ‘didge er E DOO’ ! !!!^^ 🙂 !! ::::::!!!^^ > . . .

* Read the full Day Eighty-Four scribe – Day Eighty-Four – Water Lillies

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Day Eighty-Five – Water Lillies

             Sew there are ‘Grounders

‘And Crowners’

Inn ‘all of this

‘Play’ !

Though ‘she’ did naught ‘Know’ this

Yet !


It wood take ‘sum Time’

For her two . . . ‘re . . . meme . . . ber . . . HOW ALL THIS WORKS’ !


: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And even ‘though’

ella and her ‘Light Years Team’ !

They were naught yet ‘conch’




How ‘this’ ALL ‘WORKS’ !


IT ‘WAS !!!



! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^ >

And sew 🙂

What ‘was OBVI’ us


Was that . . . ‘SUM’

Pee pull inn ‘the TEAM’ 

Were ‘very !!

‘FAIRY ON’ ! !!!^^>

Inn that they ‘GOT IT’ !

OH ‘YES’ ! they ‘GOT IT’ !

Oh yes they ‘GOT IT’ !

They ‘led the F L O W’ !!!!!!^^^!! 🙂

! ! ! !!>! ! ! !!>! ! ! !!>!!!^^>!!!^^ ~~>


And sew ‘they’ were !

The ‘ones who’ !

🙂 !!!^^>

Were the ‘vocal’


Who were the ‘active’


Who were the ‘clued INN’ !


! ^>>:-)

While the ‘o thers’ !

WERE ‘ALL THERE’ ! ^^^!!>

And ‘yet’ . . . 🙂

They did ‘naught – all – GET’ !

🙂 ???!^>



‘As THIS ALL F L O W E D’ !!!^^>

! ! ! !! 🙂 ! ! ! !!^ ! ! ! !! > !!!^^ >!!!^^ ~~> ~!! 🙂

It ‘was’

Sew many ‘YEARS’ !


Bee four ‘ella’ ^


With ‘her inn THIS’ !


Was . . . ‘SHOWN’ !






!   !   !!!^^>   !   !   !!!^^>   !   !   !!!^^>!!!^^>!!!^^ >




* Read the full Day Eighty-Five scribe – Day Eighty-Five – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Six – Water Lillies

the ‘C h r i s t’

is   ‘t h e   e n e r g y’

born (e)

two bring ‘M a n’

H o m e

t w o

‘G o d’




! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^!!!^^ 🙂 !!!^^ > !!~~~~> ~! 🙂

Sew she wood ‘go out’ !

Two see the ‘out side’ !

Grounders inn ‘their homes !

‘Two COOL HER’ ! 

As ‘they’ wood KNOW ‘that’ !

The ‘LYT’ was ‘ha pen ING’ !





‘P L A (Y) C E’ !!!^^

! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^!!!^^!!!^ ~~~ !! >




And sew they ‘KNEW’ !

The sheer hot ‘HEAT’ !

Of just what ‘SHE’ !



And ‘yet’ 🙂

They did naught ‘Know’ !

The scope and ‘breadth’

Of ‘the de t a i l s’ ! 

And sew ‘she’ COULD !

True ly ‘rest with THEM’ !


! >

Which meant ‘oh so MUCH’ !


‘OF !

‘THEM’ !




! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^ª ! ! ^^!!!^^>!!!^^ ahhhh




* Read the full Day Eighty-Six scribe – Day Eight-Six – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Seven – Water Lillies


‘i surrender

‘my ability

‘two t h i n k

‘o n l y   r e c e i v i n g

‘f r o m   he(a)re   on   inn’


! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ ! ! !!!^^ !!!^^!!!^^!^!!ahhh





Sew the ‘Light Years Team’ had bee gun

!!!!!!^^^!! 🙂

The . . . ‘un chart ID COURSE’ !

Of what ‘wood bee’



! ! ! ^^>! ! ! ^^>! ! ! ^^>!!!^^>!!!^^ 🙂




And two make it ‘EVEN !!


!!!^? 🙂



One of the ‘men inn the group’ !

Whose name is ‘Henry Jonas’ !

HE !!


That ‘THEY ALL GO !!







! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^!!!^^!!!^ ! !!!^ ~~!!^ >

And as ‘THEY WERE ALL’ !

Oh sew ‘INN O SENT’ !

They did naught ‘KNOW T ICE YET !

‘HOW’ !


Yet how they ‘were’



! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^!!!^^!!!^^

And inn ‘sim ple’ talk

🙂 !!!^^

What this does ‘trans late’ two

! 🙂 !!>

Is was ‘DOES IT FEEL ?


🙂 !!!^

AND ‘THEY – ALL SAID – Y E S’ !!!!!!^^ !!!^^>

! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!^^!!!^^

* Read the full Day Eighty-Seven scribe – Day Eighty-Seven – Water Lillies

*  *  *

Day Eighty-Eight – Water Lillies

             ‘Id’ = Soul – HIGHER SELF’ !

‘Verre’ = Glass – CRYSTAL CLEAR’ !

Plus ‘o’ there ‘words’ !

🙂 ! ^ #

Wee ‘shall’ de ‘code’


From ‘time’ two T I M E’ !




! ! ! ^^+! ! ! ^^=! ! ! ^^!!!!!!!!!^^:-)>



Plus there are ‘SEW’ !


Knee 🙂

‘Words’ inn


This ‘script’ !


Can ewes ‘find them’ ?

Can ‘ewes FIND THEM’ ?





Just ‘like’

Inn a child ren’s ‘game’ ::

Can ‘ewes FIND’ ?

The ‘hid inn CODE’ ?


! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^! ! ! ^^!!!^^> 🙂 ! ^  !!>>>~



And sew she stepped ‘over !

‘The garden’ !



And ‘this is HOW !


? ? ???^^ ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ???^^???^^ ^<?^ >>>>>>>>>^^



‘This’ time

She was ‘Shown’ FIRST !




Bee ‘four’[1]



! ! ! ^^ª! ! ! ^^ª! ! ! ^^ª!!!^^ª!!!^^>




[1] ‘Four’ IS THE ‘BUILD ING C O D E’ ! . . . that all ‘ows !! ENERGY TWO BEE ! CALM ! F O R M’ !!!^^🙂!!!^^ . . . ‘Three’ !! IS AN EYE D E A (L) ! 🙂!!!^^! . . . ‘Two’ . . . is a . . . ‘straight l i n e’ ! . . . ‘One IS’ ! . . . THE ‘RUDI MEANT’ ! !! . . . OF ALL THAT ‘IS ! . . . INN EX IS T ENCE’  !!!^^^!!!^! :-)!!!^^ . . .

* Read the full Day Eighty-Eight scribe – Day Eighty-Eight – Water Lillies

*  *  *

 Click here to read Days Eighty-Nine ‘Onward’ ! 🙂

Click here to read Days One-Twenty-Twenty ‘Onward’ ! 🙂

** We’d like to hear from you! Please share – what you are experiencing as you are reading ‘Water Lillies’ – what is inspiring you most – anything that is not ‘clear’ to you – and anything else you feel moved to share with us! . . . http://waterlillies-thebook.com/contact-us/

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*** Audio recordings of ‘Water Lillies’ scribes are recorded with a state-of-the-art omni-dimensional microphone . . .


  1. Thank you…. this is so rich.

  2. I am so resonate with day 15.
    Thank you

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